Jesus' Coming Back

US Sanctions Iranian Judge Complicit in Christian Persecution

(International Christian Concern) International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that on Dec. 19, 2019, the United States issued financial sanctions against two Iranian judges complicit in violating the human rights of Iranians. One of these judges, Mohammad Moghisseh, has a long record of specifically violating the rights of Iran’s Christian minority.

“Through their respective branches of Revolutionary Courts, Abolghassem Salavati and Mohammad Moghisseh, both designated today, oversaw the Iranian regime’s miscarriage of justice in show trials in which journalists, attorneys, political activists, and members of Iran’s ethnic and religious minority groups were penalized for exercising their freedom of expression and assembly and sentenced to lengthy prison terms, lashes, and even execution,” the United States Treasury Department said in a statement.

Earlier this year, ICC recommended the name of Judge Mohammad Moghisseh for sanctions, specifically because of his ongoing abuse of Iranian Christians. His record of persecution includes specific patterns of engaging in double jeopardy sentencing and being complicit in the medical abuse of imprisoned Christians.

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