Jesus' Coming Back

Hanukkah wishes from Trump, Johnson, Talib, Omar and other public figures

In honor of Hanukkah, politicians and celebrities from across the world posted messages and videos of support on social media. Everyone from UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson to Beatles singer Paul McCartney took to Twitter to celebrate the Jewish festival of lights. Representative Rashida Tlaib sent a Hanukkah message with a twist. In the video, Tlaib wishes InNotNow Detroit members a happy Hanukkah and praises its “2020 platform calling for every public official to commit to defunding the occupation in Falestine and fighting antisemitism and white nationalism,” as something she could “support very strongly.” Tlaib sent IfNotNow, an organization that describes itself as “a movement led by young American Jews to end our community’s support for the occupation,” posted a video of the congresswoman on Friday.

“To all our Jewish friends, neighbors and relatives, whereever you are in the world, let me wish you a happy Hanukkah,” Johnson said, opening his Hanukkah video. In the tweet accompanying the video he wrote that “Britain would not be Britain without its Jewish community.”

US President Donald Trump tweeted a White House official Hanukkah message and wrote, “Melania and I send our warmest wishes to Jewish people in the United States, Israel, and across the world as you commence the 8-day celebration of Hanukkah.”

Another member of “The Squad” and frequent Israel critic, Representative Ilhan Omar wished “Jewish communities in Minnesota and around the world” a “chag sameach.”

Former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton tweeted a photo of herself and her husband, former-president Bill Clinton lighting candles with children and wished “everyone celebrating” a happy Hanukkah.

Former US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley tweeted a Hanukkah message on Sunday.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted a Hanukkah video message of his own, calling Hanukkah in Canada “a chance to recognize the many contributions Jewish Canadians make.” “Our government will always stand with Canada’s Jewish communities,” Trudeau pledged.

Presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg tweeted “May we all find courage and strength in this yearly reminder that light will always drive out the darkness.”

Former Beatles member Paul McCartney tweeted, “Happy Hanukkah to ye! – Paul.” Actress Alyssa Milano replied, “I love you. That’s all. That’s the tweet.”

The Late Late Show with James Corden made headlines after the British talk show host joined forces with Jewish celebrities to make a parody band called Boyz ii Menorah, which produced the song “A Week and a Day.”

The New York Knicks tweeted a video of Amare Stoudemire, who played basketball professionally in Israel, wishing the team’s “Knicks family” and those who celebrate a happy Hanukkah.

Special Olympics Chairman Tim Shriver tweeted “Wishing a very #HappyHanukkah to all who celebrate!”


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