Jesus' Coming Back

President Trump Has Quietly Appointed 25% Of Circuit Court Judges As Smug Liberals Celebrate ‘Merry Impeachmas’

While the smug left clinks champagne for “Merry Impeachmas” after the House passed articles of impeachment against President Trump, they’re fast losing the battle when it comes to America’s judicial landscape.

Even if 20 GOP Senators somehow flipped on Trump and he was removed from office, he’s already appointed 25% of sitting US circuit court judges, not to mention given us a conservative Supreme Court – after Senate Republicans stalled in 2016 on confirming Obama’s choice to replace the late justice Antonin Scalia, Merrick Garland.

🚨🎄: You didn’t think @SenateMajLdr would leave town without confirming more judges, did you?

Since 2017:

Supreme Court: 2
Circuit courts: 50
District courts: 133
U.S. Court of International Trade: 2
Grand Total: 187

Merry Christmas America!
— Senate Republican Communications Center (@SRCC) December 20, 2019

According to the Washington Post:

Trump nominees make up 1 in 4 U.S. circuit court judges. Two of his picks sit on the Supreme Court. And this past week, as the House voted to impeach the president, the Republican-led Senate confirmed an additional 13 district court judges.

In total, Trump has installed 187 judges to the federal bench. –Washington Post

And as the Post notes, “Trump’s mark on the judiciary is already having far-reaching effects on legislation and liberal priorities.”

For example, last week a Trump appointee on the 5th Circuit court of Appeals was one of two judges to strike down a key provision of the Affordable Care act. The case could move next to the Supreme Court, where two of the nine justices are Trump-appointed conservatives.

Read the rest of the story HERE.

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