Jesus' Coming Back

Jim Wallis: Religious Right Will Fall with Donald Trump

On CSPAN Tuesday, Sojourners magazine founder and social justice activist the Reverend Jim Wallis said the so-called religious right will “fall” with President Donald Trump.

Wallis said, “The teachings of Jesus are the most important question, whether we will be followers of Jesus or not. I think it is a question of power. Let me put it this way, I believe for some time that the religious right—the Franklin Graham, Jerry Falwell Jr. all of those, Ralph Reed—I believe the religious right will rise and fall with Donald Trump.”

He continued, “They have risen with Donald Trump. He has given them tremendous access to power. That is what they seem to be most wanting, and yet, I think they will fall with Donald Trump. Because of not listening to what the brother says—the teachings of Jesus. If I am a Christian, that means I am a follower of Jesus and what Jesus said, what he did has to be foundational for me. This book is just all about what are his questions. What did he ask of us, and what did he prompt others to ask, and how do we follow him in 2020 is the most important question.”

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