Jesus' Coming Back

Trump Campaign Launches Site to Help Win Holiday Political Arguments Against Liberal ‘Snowflakes’

Just in time for Christmas Eve, Trump Campaign Manager Brad Parscale announced a site to help supporters win holiday arguments with their relatives.

For those determined to bring political conflict to the yuletide celebration of hope and love, Christmas can be a stressful experience, especially when the participants are politically opposed. But in an effort to help conservative voters with annual dinner table debates, the Trump 2020 campaign has launched “”

“We know that at Christmas and holiday time, there’s always that liberal snowflake relative who starts an argument and then runs and hides,” Parscale tweeted on the morning of Christmas Eve. “This year, don’t let them get away with it. Be like @realDonaldTrump and keep winning!”

The site covers a multitude of dicey topics, including (but not limited to) immigration, a border wall, economics, healthcare, and even impeachment. The talking points are laid out by category, and contain such helpful advice as telling your local Democrat that Trump’s administration has made “our communities safer by securing our border and prioritizing deportations of criminal aliens and gang members.

“So, as you can see, once again the facts are on our side,” the site reads. “Don’t let crazy family members and friends get away with throwing out liberal talking points and faux ‘feelings.’ The facts are the facts.” But pundit and satirist Jeremy Newberger was a little more skeptical. “If you need to go to a website to argue politics with your relative you might not be winning,” he tweeted in response.


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