Jesus' Coming Back

IDF aircraft strike Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip

IDF fighter jets and helicopters attacked several Hamas terror targets in the Gaza Strip, including the organization’s military complexes, The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said on Thursday, The Jerusalem Post’s sister paper Maariv reported. The attack was in response to rocket fire from Gaza at Israel on Wednesday night. The IDF said, “Hamas is responsible for everything occurring in and out of the Gaza Strip and it will bear the consequences for actions against Israeli citizens.” Explosions were heard in the northern and southern Gaza Strip after a rocket was fired into Israel and successfully intercepted by the Iron Dome system causing rocket sirens to blast in Ashkelon and areas north of the city on Wednesday evening, according to Palestinian media. 

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was holding an event in Ashkelon as the rocket sirens went off.

Sirens were heard in Ashkelon, Emunim, Sde Oziahu, Azrikim, Beer Ganim, Berachia, Hodaya, Nitzanim, Nir Yisrael and Beer Tuviah. Netanyahu was taken off stage to a shelter as the sirens were sounded and Culture Minister Miri Regev took the stage in his place. Multiple other Likud officials who were at the event were not brought to a shelter. Netanyahu returned to the stage shortly afterwards.

A similar incident happened in Ashdod in September when rocket sirens went off as Netanyahu held a campaign event in the city during a rocket onslaught.
In both incidents, live videos on Facebook showed him being interrupted and led off stage. 
Gazan reports indicated that Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) leader Khalil Batanai is the one behind the rocket fire on Wednesday night, according to Channel 12. The rocket fire in September was ordered by former PIJ official Baha Abu Al Ata, who was assassinated in November.

“The person that shot at us before is no longer with us. Whoever shot at us now should pack up his belongings,” said Netanyahu after he returned to the stage on Wednesday. The prime minister continued and spoke about the strength of the State of Israel and the need for faith.

“Again [Labor party leader] Amir Peretz’s Iron Dome saved Netanyahu. The truth needs to be said. Without the Iron Dome that protects the Israeli home front, Netanyahu would already not be prime minister,” said the Labor-Gesher party in response to the attack.

“The situation in which the citizens of Israel are given to the grace of terrorists and the prime minister of the Israeli government can’t tour part of his country is a badge of shame for the security policies in the south and the loss of deterrence that no sovereign state can allow,” tweeted Blue and White leader Benny Gantz on Wednesday night. “We will flip the government, change the policies and return the deterrence and quiet to the residents of the south.” Yisrael Beiteinu leader Avigdor Liberman said that this is the “second time this year that Gaza terror activists humiliate the state of Israel,” He also said that, for the second time, the prime minister “fled to a protected shelter.” Liberman said that “what we have is a surrender to terror, and no new-speak can change the reality we all find ourselves in.”


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