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CBS’s Major Garrett: ‘Can Be Fairly Said’ Trump Has Done a Lot for Blacks

Sunday during CBS’s “Face the Nation,” network chief White House correspondent Major Garrett discussed what he thought to be an undercovered story in 2019: How good President Donald Trump has been for black Americans.

According to Garrett, despite his “indefensible” rhetoric, Trump has “quietly” been “pushing” Republicans to do more for the black community.

“The president’s relationship to people of color in this country — his rhetoric is indefensible, even by many Republicans,” Garrett outlined. “Charlottesville … is what people hear and think about when they think about the president and people of color, and yet it can be fairly said that this administration, because of President Trump’s quiet prodding, has done quite a bit for funding of Historically Black Colleges and Universities, the First Step Act, which was massive first step toward criminal justice reform.”

He continued, “Just a couple weeks ago in this newly signed defense bill, there is a law that says if you are seeking work for the federal government or any contractor, you don’t have to be asked, and you cannot be asked about your criminal history until right toward the end. That’s a significant change, long sought by criminal justice advocates. Plus opportunity zones in the tax bill directed at communities of color. That is a legacy on the agenda side that almost any president after three years would want to claim, particularly President Obama.”

Follow Trent Baker on Twitter @MagnifiTrent


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