Jesus' Coming Back

‘God Has Done a Miracle in Me’: UK Man Who Once Identified as Woman Set Free by Jesus Christ

A man in England who had lived as a woman for seven years says that he has been set free from transgenderism by Jesus Christ after seeking help from counselors and doctors and only being told that his problems needed to be addressed by having a sex-change operation.

Peter Benjamin recently told Christian Concern that he never had thoughts about dressing like a girl as a child — that is, until his parents took him at age 10 to a show where men in drag engaged in erotic dancing.

“When I was five or six, I had no thought of becoming a girl,” he outlined. “It wasn’t until I was exposed to men in dresses at cabaret shows that my mind went that way.”

Benjamin then began taking clothes from his mother’s wardrobe and trying them on in secret. He also went to the library to find books about cross-dressing and learn more about the subject. When Benjamin was 13, the first homosexual pride rally was held in the United Kingdom.

At age 16, Benjamin joined the Army, but due to feelings of loneliness and anxiety, he turned to alcohol. He says that his drinking led him to cross-dress, and it was an endless back-and-forth cycle. He felt depressed and suicidal.

“I believe that one feeds off the other. I drink so I lose my inhibitions, so I can cross-dress. I’m ashamed of my cross-dressing, so I drink,” he outlined.

Later marrying, his wife divorced him, as did his second wife — the latter of which affirmed his inclinations and helped him shop for women’s clothing. His third wife tried to point him to Jesus, but when she died of cancer, Benjamin again resorted to drinking and cross-dressing, and was more depressed than ever.

He began going to see a counselor, but was only affirmed in his desire to become a woman, who he called “Victoria.”

“My counselor knew that I was depressed, but he encouraged me by saying, ‘You are a woman. You’re living as a woman,’” Benjamin recalled. “Nobody told me I was wrong to change gender. Everyone encouraged me, so that’s the road I went down.”

The father of two consequently began taking hormones and attended a transgender support group. He was also referred to a gender identity clinic, which stated that he was “definitely gender dysphoric,” and recommended that he have surgery. None mentioned his alcoholism or depression.

Instead, Benjamin was given estrogen in addition to the hormones that he was taking on his own — the latter of which he found to be personally addicting.

In 2015, he underwent the operation as recommended in hopes that it would make him feel better. The excitement gave him a boost at first, but “when I came home, I wasn’t happy. I didn’t feel any different inside. I didn’t feel like a woman. I went back to my previous ways. I was depressed. I was drinking heavily.”

Two years later, Benjamin suffered a nervous breakdown. He soon turned to a church for help.

In April of this year, Benjamin was outside a shopping area telling people about Jesus when a woman from his church — who did not know him other than as “Victoria” — approached him.

“Who is Peter?” she asked.

“I am Peter,” Benjamin responded, shocked by the question.

“God told me that a man called Pete should not live as a woman anymore,” the woman advised.

He went home and threw away all of his feminine clothes and makeup. Benjamin went to a prayer meeting at his church, where he also found out that some members of the congregation had been praying for him — for months. He said that it was a big relief to know that there was still hope for his life.

“When I met that Christian woman, I realized that it wasn’t too late. God loves me and He wants me back,” Benjamin recalled to Christian Concern. “If He can leave the 99 sheep and go after the lost one, He can go after me.”

“God has done a miracle in me,” he also said in a video posted by the organization. “I don’t even think about dressing as a woman anymore, cross-dressing. All of that is gone.”

“He’s completely renewed my mind,” Benjamin shared, smiling and wearing a “Team Yeshua” t-shirt. “And I don’t even want to go down that road anymore. I am so happy being Pete and being with the Lord and being on fire for the Lord. I don’t want anything else. … Jesus died on the cross for my sins, and He’s taken all that to the cross for me, which I’m so pleased. Glory, Lord.”

Jesus said in John 8:34-36, “Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. And the servant abideth not in the house for ever, but the Son abideth ever. If the Son, therefore, shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”

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