Jesus' Coming Back

Texas Church Had Fed Gunman Who Opened Fire During Service, Was Watching Him Before Rampage

WHITE SETTLEMENT, Texas (USA Today) A gunman who was fatally shot by parishioners after opening fire at a Texas church service had been given food by the church many times and was being closely watched before his rampage began, church leaders say.

Keith Thomas Kinnunen, 43, slipped into the Sunday service at the West Freeway Church of Christ in White Settlement wearing a long black wig, a fake beard and a bulky jacket.

“We’ve helped him on several occasions with food,” minister Britt Farmer told The Christian Chronicle. “He gets mad when we won’t give him cash. He’s been here on multiple occasions.”

During Communion, Kinnunen pulled out a modified, 12-gauge shotgun with a pistol grip and started shooting. Killed were Deacon Anton “Tony” Wallace, 64, who was holding a silver Communion tray, and Richard White, 67, who yelled “Drop it!” as he reached for his own pistol.

Member Jack Wilson, a firearms instructor who heads the church’s security team, then killed Kinnunen with one shot.

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