Jesus' Coming Back

Joel Osteen Criticized After Slapping Woman Who Tried To Quote Bible Verse To Him

Joel Osteen Criticized After Slapping Woman Who Tried To Quote Bible Verse To Him

HOUSTON, TX—Joel Osteen is being criticized after he slapped a woman who tried to quote a Bible verse to him.

While Osteen was shaking hands with people after the service, the woman grabbed his hand and pulled out her Bible, attempting to quote a passage out of Titus 3 to get his take on it. 

Osteen claimed he feared for his life when the woman aggressively pulled the Bible out and defended himself, slapping her across the face. Luckily, his slap was “like a limp fish,” and she was alright.

“She was lucky security didn’t take her down, to be honest,” he said later as he iced his bruised hand. “When I’m shaking hands, kissing babies, speaking words of victory over people, sometimes people can get a little excited. They pull out a Bible or what have you, not realizing the threat to my theology that represents. I got caught up in the heat of the moment.”

The preacher has apologized for the incident.

“Nonetheless, I am sorry for my actions. But mostly, I am sorry that this woman still feels the need to carry around a Bible, as though my teachings and positive faith declarations are not enough for her. Let us all send her our thoughts and positive vibes.”

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