Jesus' Coming Back

Planned Parenthood Reports Record 345,672 Abortions – ‘Abortion Is Its Mission’

Planned Parenthood Reports Record 345,672 Abortions – ‘Abortion Is Its Mission’

Planned Parenthood performed nearly 350,000 abortions during its most recent fiscal year – a record number that pro-life groups say underscores the organization’s tragic real mission.

Planned Parenthood’s report for 2018-19 shows the organization’s clinics performed a total of 345,672 abortions during the fiscal year, an increase over the 332,757 abortions in 2017-18 and the 321,384 abortions in 2016-17.

It’s the highest number of abortions ever reported by Planned Parenthood, which has seen a dramatic increase in abortions performed since 2000-01, when it reported 197,070 such procedures. It topped 200,000 abortions for the first time in 2001-02, and passed 300,000 abortions in 2007-08.  

Planned Parenthood’s total number of abortions has increased even as the overall number of abortions in the U.S. has declined

In 2000-01, Planned Parenthood performed about 15 percent of the nation’s abortions. Based on the new data, that number has jumped to an estimated 40 percent, according to Live Action, which tracks abortion data. 

“There is no more urgent time than now to defund Planned Parenthood and it is imperative that pro-lifers continue to pressure political leaders at the state and federal level to end all forced taxpayer funding of this abortion behemoth,” Live Action’s Carole Novielli wrote in an analysis

National Right to Life’s Dave Andrusko asserted, “No doubt they hate to hear it, but the latest annual report confirms that ‘When you think abortion, think Planned Parenthood.’”

National Review writer Alexandra DeSanctis penned a column arguing that the Planned Parenthood annual report “proves abortion is its mission.”

“Based on Planned Parenthood’s own reporting alone, its federal funding should be stripped and redirected to health-care organizations that actually serve women, rather than a group that profits from ending an increasing number of innocent human lives while the U.S. abortion rate continues to fall,” she wrote. 


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Michael Foust is a freelance writer. Visit his blog,

Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Andrew Burton/Staff


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