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Planned Parenthood Performs 81 Abortions for every 1 Adoption Referral, Data Shows

Planned Parenthood Performs 81 Abortions for every 1 Adoption Referral, Data Shows

New data showing that Planned Parenthood performs 81 abortions for every one adoption referral underscores the need to strip its government funding, says a prominent female pro-life writer.

Planned Parenthood’s annual report for 2018-19 showed its clinics performed 345,672 abortions during that time period but were responsible for only 4,279 adoption referrals, resulting in a ratio of 81 to 1. Although that’s an improvement from the ratio in its previous report (117 to 1), it’s in line with the ratio from 2016-17 (83 to 1). 

Alexandra DeSanctis, a staff writer for National Review, said the data should impact the debate over Planned Parenthood’s government funding. She noted the organization also listed only 9,798 instances of prenatal services, which results in a ratio of 35 abortions for every single instance of prenatal care.

“Based on Planned Parenthood’s own reporting alone, its federal funding should be stripped and redirected to health-care organizations that actually serve women, rather than a group that profits from ending an increasing number of innocent human lives while the U.S. abortion rate continues to fall,” DeSanctis wrote.

In fact, the word “adoption” is listed only one time in the 32-page report. (“Abortion” is mentioned 48 times.)

The 345,672 abortions was a record-high for the organization. 

Abortion, DeSanctis asserted, is Planned Parenthood’s primary “mission.” 

“Late last year, the Centers for Disease Control released its data for 2016, showing about 623,000 abortions for the year and reporting that the abortion rate had dropped yet again,” she wrote. “According to CDC statistics, the U.S. abortion rate has fallen by about 50 percent since 1980. The pro-choice Guttmacher Institute, meanwhile, estimates that there were about 862,000 abortions in the U.S. in 2017, accounting for the fact that not all states report their abortion data to the CDC.

“Based on the CDC statistics, then, Planned Parenthood clinics perform more than half of the total reported abortions in the U.S. and, based on Guttmacher’s reporting, well over one-third of the estimated annual abortions each year. Planned Parenthood executives ritually insist that abortion is just 3 percent of group’s ‘services’ — a carefully manufactured statistic that has been deemed inaccurate and misleading by left-leaning outlets such as Slate and the Washington Post — even as the group performs somewhere between one-third and half the total abortions in the U.S. every year.”


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Michael Foust is a freelance writer. Visit his blog,

Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Michael B. Thomas/Stringer


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