Jesus' Coming Back

Michael Moore: More Abuses of Power by Trump Will Be Discovered on ‘Secret Server’

On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “The Last Word,” left-wing documentary filmmaker Michael Moore speculated more evidence of abuses of power by President Donald Trump would be learned during the impeachment trial in the Senate.

Moore was referencing reports that the notes and transcript of President Donald Trump’s July 25 conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was moved to a highly classified server.

Moore said, “Let me ask you this. Do you think three years in the White House Donald Trump, the only time that he did something that was questionable where Jared and Stephen Miller and the lawyer said I think we better hide that Ukrainian phone call on a secret server? Was that the only time? I suspect there’s more on there.”

He continued, “There could be any of a number of things — just the facts around the Khashoggi murder. Did the White House know that was happening, was going to happen? Did they participate in the cover-up with their good friends, the Saudis? Did that happen? Or when Trump took office, we know that he kept saying that Hillary didn’t win the popular vote, and he was going to make sure— he was going to point out these illegal immigrants did these three million extra votes that he didn’t get. How much did he use the power of the presidency to go after Hillary Clinton?”

He added, “But what else is there? His obsession with Obama. Believing that Obama was a Muslim, believing Obama was born in Kenya. When he got into the White House, what other abuses of power did he use? When the American people hear it’s not just a phone call with the Ukrainian president but it’s this, this, this, and that, there will be a point where not the majority of Republicans —remember, Trump can have his majority of 33— we just need 20 of these Republicans to say it’s a bridge too for more me. I’ve heard enough off this server. And if you think you’re going to have to go through the courts a long time to get the server, the judge of this trial is Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who is no friend of Trump, the deciding vote to save Obamacare, the deciding vote to strike down the Alabama anti-abortion law. I believe Roberts will be fair, and he will not tolerate them hiding evidence on that server.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN


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