Jesus' Coming Back

Nebraska Governor Declares ‘Day of Prayer’ to End Abortion on Roe Anniversary

Nebraska Governor Declares ‘Day of Prayer’ to End Abortion on Roe Anniversary

Nebraska’s governor has declared this year’s Roe v. Wade anniversary a “Statewide Day of Prayer” and is urging the state’s citizens to “pray for an end to abortion.”

Republican Gov. Pete Ricketts released the proclamation Wednesday, designating Jan. 22 as a day of pray and stating that Nebraska is a “pro-life state.” 

“Since Roe v. Wade, over 50 million unborn children have been killed by abortion in the United States,” the proclamation says. “…  It seems right and fitting that the citizens of the State of Nebraska are urged to pray for an end to abortion and for our fellow citizens who need our love and support.” 

It further notes that Nebraska “respects the dignity of human life, no matter how small” and that the state offers crisis pregnancy centers that “provide free care for expecting parents.” 

The U.S. Supreme Court issued its Roe v. Wade decision on Jan. 22, 1973, legalizing abortion in all 50 states. 

Below is the full text of the proclamation:

“Whereas, on January 22, 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court issued their Roe v. Wade decision, which legalized abortion in all 50 states; and

“Whereas, since Roe v. Wade, over 50 million unborn children have been killed by abortion in the United States; and

“Whereas, Nebraska state law states it is the ‘will of the people of the State of Nebraska and the members of the Legislature to provide protection for the life of the unborn whenever possible …’; and

“Whereas, Nebraska is a pro-life state that respects the dignity of human life, no matter how small; and

“Whereas, Nebraskans display our pro-life values in a multitude of ways from the crisis pregnancy centers that provide free care for expecting parents to the prayer vigils held across the state every year; and

“Whereas, It seems right and fitting that the citizens of the State of Nebraska are urged to pray for an end to abortion and for our fellow citizens who need our love and support.

“Now, therefore, I, Pete Ricketts, Governor of the State of Nebraska, do hereby proclaim the 22nd day of January, 2020 as A Statewide Day of Prayer in Nebraska, and I do hereby urge all individuals to pray on their own or with others, according to their faith, for an end to abortion.

“Be it further resolved that the citizens of the Great State of Nebraska are encouraged to take direct action to aid mothers, fathers and families in need, especially those expecting a child who cannot provide for themselves.”


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Michael Foust is a freelance writer. Visit his blog,

Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Pool


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