Jesus' Coming Back

Trump: ‘I’d Like a Trial,’ But Whether There Is One and Its Size Aren’t Certain

During an interview aired on Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Ingraham Angle,” President stated that he would “like a trial” in the Senate where he calls several witnesses, but also said that the length of time impeachment lasts for is dependent on “if” there is a trial and how big the trial is.

Trump said, “I would love to ask a couple of their people some questions, like Schiff.”

He also stated that the length of time that impeachment lasts for “depends, if they have a trial, it probably takes a few days, or a week, and — or unless we want to have a bigger trial, where we bring in the whistleblower, which I’d love to do. And I’d love to bring in the informant who disappeared. I’d love to bring in the second whistleblower who disappeared. I’d love to bring in the inspector general.”

Trump also said, “Well, in many ways, I’d like a trial, and I’d love to have sleepy Joe Biden, I’d love to have his son.”

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett


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