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McConnell says Trump’s impeachment trial could begin next Tuesday … Rules Out Quick Dismissal of Impeachment Charges

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday that if the House sends over the impeachment articles against President Trump as planned the trial in the Senate could begin by next Tuesday.

The House is expected to vote Wednesday on releasing the two articles and to name the lawmakers who will serve as impeachment managers to prosecute the case in the Senate, Speaker Nancy Pelosi said earlier in the day.

“We believe if that happens, in all likelihood we’ll go through some preliminary steps this week,” McConnell said, noting Chief Justice John Roberts would have to swear in senators for the trial. “Which would set us up to begin the actual trial next Tuesday.”

He was asked about calling witnesses to testify and whether the GOP-majority would vote to immediately dismiss the articles. “There is little or no sentiment in the Republican conference for a motion to dismiss,” the Kentucky Republican said. “Our members feel that we have an obligation to listen to the arguments.”

McConnell also said the Senate would deal with calling witnesses as the trial proceeds. He said the 53-member Republican conference agreed to an initial resolution on how to go forward.

Read the rest of the story HERE and follow links below to related stories:

McConnell: No quick dismissal of impeachment charges

GOP senators reject plans to dismiss Trump impeachment

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