Jesus' Coming Back

Tony Evans Shares that His Wife Saw ‘A Glimpse of Heaven’ before She Died

Tony Evans Shares that His Wife Saw ‘A Glimpse of Heaven’ before She Died

Pastor Tony Evans recently shared that just before his wife died, she told her family she saw “something outside earth’s realm.”

According to CBN News, the family had gathered around Lois Evans in late December to say goodbye. Lois, 70, had been battling biliary cancer.

Evans, who serves as the senior pastor at the Oak Cliff Fellowship Church in Dallas, Texas, says his wife saw a “glimpse of heaven.”

“One of the things that I’ve observed in life and in scripture is that when people walk with God and He doesn’t take them suddenly, He will give them a glimpse of heaven while they’re still transitioning from earth,” he said. “He will let them know, not only that it’s time, but it’s okay.”

Before she died, Lois told her family that she could see her late mother and then later, she said she saw her late father.

“For example, she said to some who were gathered in the room, ‘Do you see my mother? Do you see her? She’s right over there by the fireplace.’ Do you see her? Why can’t you see her? On another occasion, she said, ‘My father. There’s my father.’ And there was no one in the room physically. She was seeing something as the time of her departure got closer.”

Evans also said that she had said, “Two days, two days, take me up.”

He said two and a half days later, she died on Dec. 30.

“She heard something, she saw something as the time of her departure got nearer. Like Stephen in Acts chapter 7 who, when he was being stoned to death, he says he saw heaven opened and Jesus standing on the right hand of the Father giving him a standing ovation.”

“When the time of your departure comes, you want to be close enough to God that you can hear things that other folk can’t hear and see things that other folk can’t hear,” Evans shared.


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Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Cooper Neill/Stringer

Amanda Casanova is a writer living in Dallas, Texas. She has covered news for since 2014. She has also contributed to The Houston Chronicle, U.S. News and World Report and She blogs at The Migraine Runner.


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