Jesus' Coming Back

White House pours cold water on ‘Prince Charles snubs Pence’ claims (VIDEOS)

A video showing the UK’s Prince Charles appearing to dodge a handshake with US Vice President Mike Pence doesn’t tell the whole story, the White House has insisted, claiming the two men greeted each other warmly earlier.

Prince Charles appears to snub Pence as he shakes the hands of a row of international leaders and VIPs at the World Holocaust Forum in Jerusalem, sparing the American a brief glance and moving on to greet Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu instead. The British royal seems to mutter something under his breath as he conspicuously avoids engaging with Pence.

The vice president’s staff entered damage-control mode immediately, insisting the video was the exact opposite of what it seemed. Press secretary Katie Waldman released another clip purporting to show Pence and Charles backstage at the event in which they appear to be talking congenially – though the video has no sound, and Charles does not shake Pence’s hand in that clip either. She also tweeted a photo showing Charles gesturing at the vice president in which Pence – but not Charles – is grinning.

The quick reaction by Pence’s staff may have been an effort to head off an international incident, as it has flared tempers across the political spectrum. Trump supporters were quick to excoriate the prince, while the anti-Trump contingent was equally quick to extol the virtues of the royal family.

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