Jesus' Coming Back

Jeff Sessions Slams Doug Jones Over ‘Compelling’ Impeachment Case Comment

Former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions took aim at Sen. Doug Jones (D-AL) on Friday after Jones stated he found the evidence against President Donald Trump in the impeachment trial “compelling.”

Sessions said as he opened the statement:

Senator Doug Jones’ recent video appears to indicate that he is planning to vote to remove Donald Trump from the office of President of the United States. He is merely repeating the partisan attacks of Congressman Adam Schiff.

Doug Jones does not represent the people of Alabama, and he is not even attempting to do so. Jones says that in America ‘right matters.’ That is right, but he is not. The facts are not even close to an impeachable case.

Sessions closed his statement by taking aim at the Democrat Party overall, calling their taxpayer-funded efforts to impeach President Trump a “political hit job.” Sessions concluded

The Democrats do not allege any crime, nor do the vague charges in the articles of impeachment rise to a level that would justify the removal of our duly-elected President. The entire matter is being revealed as a political hit job, paid for by the taxpayers.

Earlier this week, President Trump shared a tweet featuring an Alabama Farmers Federation poll that was conducted in early December on the Republican U.S. Senate primary.

While the data is nearly two months old, the poll shared by Trump showed Sessions ahead of his Republican primary challengers, including former Auburn head coach Tommy Tuberville, Rep. Bradley Byrne (R-AL), Roy Moore, and Arnold Mooney.

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