Jesus' Coming Back

Impeachment Protester Yells at Adam Schiff: ‘Move to Venezuela’

Several angry people protesting the impeachment proceedings yelled at House impeachment manager Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), with one of the protesters telling Schiff to “move to Venezuela.”

A video of the confrontation appeared to take place as Schiff was leaving the Senate chamber during one of the impeachment trial sessions over the past week.

One protester repeatedly called Schiff a “liar” as he walked out of the Senate chamber while the other protester yelled, “Move to Venezuela, Mr. Schiff!”

Schiff, who was seen exiting the gallery with a police escort, seemed to brush off the protesters.

The California House Democrat spent three days this week leading a team of Democrats who argued that President Donald Trump abused his power by asking Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and 2016 interference into the U.S. election.

Schiff claimed that Trump withheld a White House meeting from Zelensky as well as essential military aid unless the investigation took place.

The team of Democrats also claimed Trump obstructed Congress by blocking documents and witnesses during this past fall’s House impeachment inquiry.

Venezuela is a socialist country that has suffered years of economic and political turmoil due to hyperinflation and food shortages.


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