Jesus' Coming Back

Spaniard Evangelicals Push Back After Education Minister Says it Is ‘Mistake’ to Think ‘Children Belong to Their Parents’

Isabel Celaa
Photo Credit: Gobierno de Castilla-La Mancha/Wikipedia

(Evangelical Focus) The issue of sex education in state schools was at the center of a week-long political storm that started after Education Minister Isabel Celáa said in a press conference that “no one should commit the mistake of thinking that children belong to their parents.”

In the first public appearance after the conformation of the new government, Social Democrat Celáa announced that the central Spanish government would bring the Region of Murcia (South-east Spain) to the courts after its regional government allowed parents to decide whether their children would attend talks and other special activities which could collide with their moral and ethical views.

This classes include sex education and workshops on LGBT issues given by external speakers. …

The Spanish Evangelical Alliance (AEE) denounced that “a code of values charged with ideology is being imposed on our children, which presents ideological dogmas as if they were absolute truths, creating a kind of ‘lay religion.’”

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