Jesus' Coming Back

‘Lord, Forgive Our Persecutors’ Say Christians Brutally Attacked in Muslim Rohingya Backlash

(Barnabas Fund) One Rohingya Christian is missing and twelve were seriously injured, including several children, in multiple attacks by Rohingya Muslim mobs on the isolated Rohingya Christian community in Cox’s Bazar refugee camp, Bangladesh.

The attacks are thought to be a backlash in the wake of UN Special Rapporteur Yanghee Lee’s statement, on Jan. 23, raising specific concerns over anti-Christian persecution in the camp.

“I also met with a group of Rohingya Christians who are in a most difficult position. They told me they were persecuted due to their religion by the Myanmar government while they lived in Rakhine [Myanmar], and now they face hostility and violence from a small number of other camp residents. This worries me,” Yanghee Lee stated after a fact-finding visit to the camp as part of her investigation of human right violations in Myanmar (Burma).

An extremist mob, in gangs of at least 100, swarmed into the vulnerable Christian community on Jan. 27, four days after the expert’s report was released.

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