Jesus' Coming Back

Catholic Bishops Across India Oppose Changes Promoting Abortion

Abortion is permitted in India up to 20 weeks. However, a recent proposal from the ruling Hindu nationalist Bharat Jnata Party (BJP) wants to increase the time up to 24 weeks. The Catholic Bishops of India have come out publicly and strong against this, in comparison to the clear and relative silence of the Hindu nationalist terrorists on the same matter, even though it is most likely that more Hindu children will die from this law if it is allowed to advance than Christian ones.

he government of India has approved a bill that increases the limit allowed for abortion from 20 to 24 weeks. The proposal was made official yesterday and will be discussed in the next session of Parliament. Meanwhile, the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Bill 2020 has already aroused the reactions of the “pro life” groups and of the Catholic Church who consider human life an inviolable gift from God, from conception to natural death.

The “Prolife Committee” of the Council of Catholic Bishops of Kerala, which yesterday convened an emergency meeting on the issue, took sides against the law. The body of the Indian Catholic Church and the Council’s Commission for the family, chaired by bishop Paul Mulassery of Quillon, emphasizes the risk that “The government order prepares conducive atmosphere for unbridled abortion”. “There is no difference – underline the bishops – between an unborn child and a newborn baby”. (source)


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