Jesus' Coming Back

Tanzania Stampede Kills 20 People After ‘Apostle’ Offers ‘Anointed Oil’

(Evangelical Focus) — The authorities of Moshi (a town north of Tanzania) are investigating what happened in an event organized by the group Rise and Shine and its leader, Boniface Mwamposa.

At least 20 people, including 5 children, died in a stampede during the religious activity. 16 others were injured.

In an event with hundreds of people, the preacher, who calls himself “Apostle Bulldozer Mwamposa,” invited attendants to walk on “anointed oil,” which according to his teaching, has curative characteristics. The rush to do so caused the trampling of over many people.

A witness told news agency AFP that the scene was “horrible.” People were “trampled on mercilessly, jostling each other with elbows (…) It was like the preacher had thrown bundles of dollars about.”

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