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Libyan military factions ready to negotiate in Geneva – UN envoy

The UN envoy to Libya, Ghassan Salame, said on Tuesday there was a “genuine will to start negotiating” between rival military factions as they began talks in Geneva.

Forces loyal to eastern based commander Khalifa Haftar have been trying to take control of the capital, Tripoli, for the past 10 months.

Salame told reporters that the two sides were aiming “to bridge the gaps in their views on how the lasting, sustainable ceasefire can be organized on the ground.” However, an arms embargo is being violated by both sides and new mercenaries were still arriving to Libya, Reuters quoted Salame as saying. 

Transforming the truce “into a more solid one, less often violated by either side” is being discussed, said Salame, who is hoping to reach “a real agreement on a lasting ceasefire.”


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