Jesus' Coming Back

Was it #Vindman or #PetesBillionaires? Twitter users report widespread outage & share conspiracies

With rumors swirling around the White House’s dismissal of #Resistance hero Lt.Col. Alexander Vindman and the deep-pocketed figures behind Democratic frontrunner Pete Buttigieg, Twitter has mysteriously gone AWOL for some.

Over 11,000 users reported Twitter outages on Friday evening, according to DownDetector – just as conversations about #Resistance poster-boy and Ukrainian-American impeachment witness Vindman had shifted from “will he be fired?” to “OMG he’s being escorted from the White House!”

At the same time, liberal sleuths were trying to get to the bottom of the meteoric rise of South Bend, Indiana ex-mayor Pete Buttigieg, who had risen from obscurity to the top of the Democratic primary through cash infusions that didn’t seem entirely kosher – especially in a party whose standard-bearers had consciously opted not to take donations from the .01 percent.

After the Iowa caucus imploded earlier this week, permitting Buttigieg to swoop in and declare victory before any vote tallies were even released, investigation of #PetesBillionaires was beginning in earnest.

Some merely cracked jokes at the Iowa caucus’ expense. 

The outage didn’t stop the anti-Trump brigade from gushing over Vindman’s martyrdom to the cause, however – and telling him to take his rejection from the White House as a badge of honor.

Vindman fans were eager to ascribe the most hideous motives to his firing. So eager, in fact, that none seemed to notice or comment on the Twitter outage.

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