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Joy Behar: Trump Is Lawless — He Fires Heroes and Rewards Criminals

Wednesday on ABC’s “The View,” show co-host Joy Behar called Justice Department’s reversal on Roger Stone’s sentence after President Donald Trump’s tweet showed America is lawless.

Co-host Whoopi Goldberg said, “Prosecutors recommended seven to nine years of jail time for you know who’s insider friend Roger Stone because he lied to Congress, witness tampering, he was obstructing justice, all kind of stuff. Hours after you know who tweeted that it was unfair that the Justice Department said it recommended reducing the sentence, all four prosecutors said, oh, hell no and resigned from the case. Democrats are outraged. Shouldn’t every American be a little concerned about this?”

Co-host and ABC News legal analyst Sunny Hostin said, “It is very, very rare for a career prosecutorial team to make a sentencing recommendation and then have the attorney general get involved. I’ve never seen it happen in my entire career … It just doesn’t happen. The Justice Department is supposed to be nonpolitical. It’s supposed to be impartial. And separate from the executive branch.”

After Hostin said the prosecutors should testify before Congress, Behar added, “As if the Republican Party is going to do something about it. We’re living in a no law and no order … If you’re related to Trump or you’re a friend of Trump, go out and rob a bank because he’s got you covered right now! Go out and commit a crime. Nothing matters anymore.”

She continued, “He fires heroes like Vindman and rewards criminals like Roger Stone. This is the country you are living in right now, ladies and gentlemen. Pay attention, please.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN


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