Jesus' Coming Back

Islamic Terrorist Group Burns Thirty People To Death In Nigeria

The Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram continues its reign of terror in northern Nigeria, which also happens to be the same region in the Sahel area in the surrounding nations where the US and France, both nations who have a history of using terrorism as a tool of foreign policy, are located as part of “anti-terror” operations at the same time while appearing to, based on what documents are available, prospect for oil and other rare-earth minerals necessary for the construction of advanced electronics. The latest round of violence has taken thirty lives of innocent people by burning them to death. Reports include a pregnant woman being raped and her baby’s head crushed before her own execution by the terrorists.

Boko Haram militants are suspected to have burned and killed no less than 30 people and abducted others Sunday night as the extremist faction continues to terrorize northeast Nigeria and the Lake Chad region.

A spokesperson for Borno Gov. Babagana Umara Zulum told CNN that at least 30 people, including a pregnant woman and her baby, are now dead after suspected Boko Haram militants set sleeping travelers on fire in the Auno village of the Borno state.

The travelers were camping out in the village for the night as they missed a 5 p.m. curfew in the state capital of Maiduguri, about 10 miles away.

Sources reported to Vanguard that while most counts say that at least 30 have died, the death toll could be as high as 40. That would include the death of six militants.

According to the state government, militants burned 18 vehicles. Some of the destroyed vehicles included trucks loaded up with food to be taken to the markets the following day.

State government spokesman Ahmad Abdurrahman Bundi told AFP that militants stormed Auno village with trucks and mounted weapons. The militants killed, looted and burned.

Village resident Shehu Tanko told CNN that the bodies of the pregnant woman and her baby were among the corpses recovered.

“They burn everywhere. The fire was still on till this morning,” Tanko explained. “We are still looking for many people around here.”

A source told Vanguard that the pregnant woman was likely raped before she was burned to death and that the baby’s head was crushed. (source)


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