Jesus' Coming Back

Israel strikes Iranian targets near Damascus – report

The IAF launched an airstrike in the Damascus area, according to the Syrian news agency SANA, in addition to multiple sources. Syrian air defenses downed several missiles coming across Israel’s Golan Heights before they hit their targets in the capital, Damascus, Syrian state television said on Thursday. The attack was allegedly targeting Iranian ammunition depots in the city.

Israel has continued to strike targets in Syria, as well as Iraq, as part of a campaign to weaken Iran and to remove its forces from the region. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Army Radio on Wednesday that Israel would not allow Iran to gain a foothold along the northern border, pointing out that Israel has conducted “countless” attacks to prevent this. Last week, SANA reported that Israel had attacked military targets in western Damascus. According to the Syrian Human Rights Organization, missiles have been launched at bases and positions of the Syrian army and pro-Iranian militias. It was also reported that 23 people were killed in the attack last week, including pro-Iranian militiamen. Tzvi Joffre contributed to this report. Source

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