Jesus' Coming Back

Klobuchar: Pro-Life Democrats Have a Place in the Party

Klobuchar: Pro-Life Democrats Have a Place in the Party

Democratic presidential candidate Amy Klobuchar has struck a different tone on abortion than her fellow presidential candidates, saying that pro-life Democrats are welcome.

On The View, Klobuchar told Megan McCain, “I am strongly pro-choice. I have always been pro-choice. But I believe we are a big tent party … we need to bring people in instead of shutting them out. That includes Independents right here in New Hampshire and moderate Republicans.”

Vocal pro-life supporter and Everybody Loves Raymond star Patricia Heaton responded to Klobuchar’s comments with confusion, according to Faithwire.

“I don’t understand why pro-life people want to know if they are ‘welcome’ to join the democrat party,” she said in a tweet. “Why would any civilized person want to support a barbaric platform that champions abortion for any reason through all nine months funded by taxpayers?” She also caveated her tweet with: “P.S. I didn’t vote in the last presidential cycle and will not be voting in this one. I am not a Trump supporter.”

As the Democratic candidates grapple for voters, views on abortion have become more divisive.

In a recent event, Bernie Sanders voiced his belief that being pro-choice is “absolutely essential” to being a Democrat, as previously reported by Christian Headlines. “In the Senate, probably 95 percent of the Democrats are pro-choice. You have a few who are not in the House [but it] may be even a higher percentage … By this time in history, I think when we talk about what a Democrat is, I think being pro-choice is … a central part of that.”

Meanwhile, Pete Buttigieg attempted to focus voters on “what we do agree on” with abortion after a pro-life Democrat challenged him on the divisiveness within the party, according to Relevant magazine.

“I’m a proud pro-life Democrat,” said Kristen Day, executive director of Democrats for Life. “Do you want the support of pro-life Democratic voters—there are 21 million of us—and if so would you support more moderate platform language to ensure the party of diversity and inclusion really does include everybody?”

He responded: “I respect where you’re coming from and I hope to earn your vote, but I’m not going to try to earn your vote by tricking you. I am pro-choice and I believe that a woman ought to be able to make that decision. But I know that the difference of opinion you have and I have is one that we have come by honestly…The best that I can offer is that if we can’t agree on where to draw the line, the next best thing we can do is agree on who should draw the line.”

A few days later, he refused to draw any line on abortion access on The View.


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Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Scott Eisen/Stringer

Mikaela Mathews is a freelance writer and editor based in Dallas, TX. She was the editor of a local magazine and a contributing writer for the Galveston Daily News and Spirit Magazine. She blogs at


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