Jesus' Coming Back

US Women’s Olympic Trials Will Have A Sodomite Who “Identifies” As A Woman

Some have said that the ‘sodomites ruin everything.’ While one can debate the extent of this statement, there is no doubt that their presence has greatly influenced modern life, and is even now jeopardizing certain areas of social life where real innovations have been made. In one major example of this, a sodomite is now jeopardizing women’s sports itself, as the US Olympic Trials will feature a sodomite who ‘identifies’ as a woman.

A biologically male marathon runner who identifies as a transgender woman is set to compete in the USA Olympic trials later in February.

Megan Youngren “is set to make history on Feb. 29 as the first openly transgender athlete to compete at the U.S. Olympic marathon trials,” Sports Illustrated reported. Youngren qualified for the trials after a strong performance on Dec. 8, 2019 in the California International Marathon.

“People will try to put it down by saying, ‘That’s too easy because you’re trans.’ But what about the 500 other women who will qualify?” Youngren told the magazine. “There’s probably someone with the exact same story.”

“I trained hard. I got lucky. I dodged injuries,” Youngren added. “I raced a lot, and it worked out for me. That’s the story for a lot of other people, too.” (source)


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