Jesus' Coming Back

‘I’m Going to Kill the Baby’: Woman Unashamedly Says on Camera While Entering Florida Planned Parenthood

ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, Fl. — A video posted online by a woman who ministers to abortion-minded mothers in Florida shows a woman unashamedly declaring “I’m going to kill my baby” just before she enters Planned Parenthood, adding the claim that “it’s not killing a baby.”

The incident occurred on Feb. 11, as the woman approached sidewalk counselor Anne Marchetti outside of the Altamonte Springs Planned Parenthood. According to Marchetti, the woman began to film her as she offered literature and inquired if she was going inside.

“Yes, I am,” the woman replied. “Are you pregnant?” Marchetti then asked. The woman responded in the affirmative.

“I just wanted to let you know that I’m here to kill my baby,” she said and then walked away.

Marchetti then turned on her cell phone camera and called out to the woman to ask if she would be willing to repeat what she just said.

“I’m going to kill the baby, because it’s not killing a baby,” the woman stated and walked away again.

“But wait a minute; we’re here to help!” Marchetti called out. “The little child within you is made in the image of God as a person. I don’t know why you would rejoice to take the life of this innocent person, your own child, your own flesh and blood. Have mercy today!”

The woman proceeded to enter the building.

When asked by a viewer if she was certain that the woman was obtaining an abortion and not simply joking with her, Marchetti said that it was possible but that regardless, “murdering babies is nothing to joke about.”

The site “Not a Victim,” run by a Texas woman who regularly counsels mothers against abortion, provides numerous quotes from women who explicitly have stated that they know what they are doing in scheduling an abortion and just don’t care. The site opines that “calling [abortive] women victims not only murders babies, it aborts justice.”

“Many actively aborting mothers crack jokes about their babies and abortions,” it states. “They design their abortion cakes or tattoos, shout their abortion stories with pride, and use the rhetoric taught by pro-abort celebrities like Michelle Wolf.”

“A subset of mothers do indeed exhibit a tremendous sadness and even loneliness in their wicked decision to kill their child,” the site notes. “However, for a larger number of aborting mothers, the spirit is not so much sadness and loneliness, as it is ‘I am woman; hear me roar!’ … They are haughty, vile, and proud of their sin as they boldly flaunt their decision to slaughter.”

One of the items in the display.

As previously reported, a profane and vulgar art exhibit called “Abortion Is Normal” went on display in New York City last month, featuring paintings, photographs and other creations from over 60 abortion “rights” advocates, including the groups Shout Your Abortion and Thank God for Abortion.

Pieces included a drawing of a woman’s private parts, and a photograph of a topless woman giving the middle finger, which was priced at $30,000. Several paintings depicted topless women with messages written across their chest, such as “Mi cuerpo, mi decision (my body, my choice),” “Yo aborte (I had an abortion),” and “My [vulgar word for female reproductive organ], my rules. They were priced at $4,000 each.

Proceeds from the event went to fund advocacy efforts and voter influence via Downtown for Democracy and the Planned Parenthood Political Action Committee (PAC).

An article published by Thought Catalog in 2015 also details the stories of nine women who sought out others to illegally abort their child pre-Roe, with many of the mothers — now in their 60s and 70s — remarking more than 40 years later that they have no remorse for having their their unborn child killed.

“Do I have any regrets? No. Am I sorry? Absolutely not! That abortion allowed me a second chance, (despite all the obstacles the system placed in my way) to get on with my life,” one woman, only identified as Susan, wrote. “I have never looked back on my decision to have an abortion as being anything but the right one.”

“I have never been ‘sorry,’ I’ve been motivated!” another mother, identified as Linda, stated.

“I’m not sorry. I’m not sorry at all. I never wanted to be a mother,” a woman named Keese said.

In Mark 7:20-23 Jesus outlined that murder, like all sin, begins in the heart. It is why He declared that men must be born again (John 3:3) and have their very nature changed, or they cannot see the Kingdom of God.

“That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man,” Jesus said. “For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within, and defile the man.”

Jeremiah 17:9 likewise teaches of all men without Christ, “The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.”

Jesus taught hope and freedom from abiding sin, explaining in John 8:34-36, “Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. And the servant abideth not in the house for ever, but the Son abideth ever. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”

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