Jesus' Coming Back

The Trump Administration Now Wants To Push Away Construction Laws To Accelerate The Building Of Border Wall On US-Mexican Border

By Theodore Shoebat

The Trump administration plans on waiving construction laws in order to accelerate the building of the border wall on the US-Mexican border, according to the Wall Street Journal:

The laws to be waived include, among other things, a requirement that the government hold an open competition for federal contracts and that it justify its contract selections.

Disregarding such requirements could allow the Department of Homeland Security to more quickly erect new sections of barrier, as the administration works toward meeting a self-imposed goal of completing about 450 miles by the end of 2020.

“We hope [waiving those laws] will accelerate some of the construction going on along the southwest border,” Mr. Wolf said Tuesday on Fox News.

The administration so far has built about 119 miles of its preferred style of border fencing—30-foot steel bollards designed to be tough to climb. Most of those miles cover areas where smaller barriers previously existed.


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