Alec Baldwin Torches the Democrat Candidates: ‘Sexual Harassment Issues, Credibility Issues, Cognitive Issues’

Without naming names, actor Alec Baldwin just eviscerated the field of Democrat candidates vying to take on President Donald Trump in November.
“Why is the bar so low regarding our hopes for the Presidency?” Alec Baldwin asked before listing off the glaring vulnerabilities plaguing each of his party’s contenders.
“One won’t release his NDA’s re sexual harassment,” the Saturday Night Live star said referring to Michael Bloomberg, who was called out during Wednesday night’s debate for allegedly forcing former employees to sign nondisclosure agreements.
“1 is a campaign finance cheater. 2. are compulsive liars about how they intend to pay for all of their promises,” he continued, swiping at Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT).
1- Why is the bar so low regarding our hopes for the Presidency?
One won’t release his NDA’s re sexual harassment.
1 is a campaign finance cheater.
2. are compulsive liars about how they intend to pay for all of their promises. 1 is struggling, after 8 yrs as VP to articulate…— HABFoundation (@ABFalecbaldwin) February 20, 2020
The Mission Impossible actor was just getting started, saving some searing rebuke for Joe Biden. “1 is struggling, after 8 yrs as VP to articulate his vision.”
“We have a very simple job to do. To spend $ on those things we have too long neglected. Infrastructure. Debt Health care. Affordable housing.” Baldwin said before ending his rant with the hashtag “Make America Solvent Again.”
2- articulate his vision.
We have a very simple job to do. To spend $ on those things we have too long neglected.
Health care
Affordable housing.#MAKEAMERICASOLVENTAGAIN— HABFoundation (@ABFalecbaldwin) February 20, 2020
In an earlier take down, Baldwin, still refusing to name his targets, said “Some Dem candidates have campaign finance issues, sexual harassment issues, credibility issues, cognitive issues, budget balancing issues. You put all those together…you’ve got Trump.”
Some Dem candidates have campaign finance issues, sexual harassment issues, credibility issues, cognitive issues, budget balancing issues.
You put all those together…you’ve got Trump— HABFoundation (@ABFalecbaldwin) February 20, 2020
A fierce critic of President Trump, Alec Baldwin has hit the campaign trail, helping raise money for Democrats in Virginia. The actor even went so far last April to declare that if he ran for president in 2020 that “Beating Trump would be so easy. So easy. So easy.”
Jerome Hudson is Breitbart News Entertainment Editor and author of the bestselling book 50 Things They Don’t Want You to Know. Order your copy today. Follow Jerome Hudson on Twitter and Instagram @jeromeehudson
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