Jesus' Coming Back

Eight Christians in India Acquitted of False Forced Conversion Charges

(International Christian Concern) On Tuesday, February 18, a court in India’s Madhya Pradesh state acquitted eight Christians falsely accused of attempting to forcefully convert 60 children to Christianity. The court’s decision brings to a close a two-and-a-half-year legal battle that saw these eight Christians falsely accused of heinous crimes and imprisoned for months.

In May 2017, eight Christians, including six men and two women, were arrested at a train station in Ratlam after they were accused of kidnapping and attempting to forcefully convert 60 children they were accompanying to a summer Bible camp.

According to reports at the time, the parents of all 60 children had given their consent for their children to attend the Bible camp and many of them were practicing Christians.

Despite these facts, the eight Christians were arrested and charged with kidnapping and attempted forced conversions. The 60 children were also taking into custody and kept from their parents by authorities for several days.

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