***Live Updates*** Dems Caucus in Nevada
Democrats in Nevada will caucus on Saturday. The caucuses will begin at 3 PM ET.
Stay tuned to Breitbart News for live updates. All times eastern.
6:39 PM: Enthusiasm for Sanders in Texas:
An early look at the line to get inside the @BernieSanders rally in San Antonio. This was about 45 minutes before the doors open at 5:00. pic.twitter.com/fA5AXliTTK
— Joey Palacios (@Joeycules) February 22, 2020
6:36 PM:
10% of precincts reporting in #NVCaucus per @edisonresearch
First alignment (popular vote):
Sanders 34%
Biden 17%
Buttigieg 16%
Warren 13%
Klobuchar 10%
Steyer 9%Final alignment:
Sanders 41%
Biden 19%
Buttigieg 17%
Warren 11%
Klobuchar 8%
Steyer 4%— Johnny Verhovek (@JTHVerhovek) February 22, 2020
6:30 PM:
This is an amazing graphic. This in theory is Warren, Pete AND Klobuchar’s bases. And they are splitting it perfectly. Just a perfect storm. pic.twitter.com/JhZL0H8Q11
— Addisu Demissie (@ASDem) February 22, 2020
6:20 PM:
Phil Sobutka, a precinct chair from Sun City, Nev., has been calling the Nevada Democratic Party’s results hotline for 15 minutes and keeps getting a busy signal. Here is is trying to report his results. pic.twitter.com/ZkhnPfD7SW
— Reid J. Epstein (@reidepstein) February 22, 2020
6:10 PM: Begala trying his best to paint Sanders as the “establishment.” Good luck with that.
He’s been a mayor, congressman, or senator for 39 years. He’s the Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee and former Chair of the Veterans Affairs Committee. And he is now the frontrunner of the Dem party for president. How is he not the establishment? https://t.co/n8Z5aL9oPa
— Paul Begala (@PaulBegala) February 22, 2020
5:47 PM: Mayor Pete Basically Conceding Momentum Is with Sanders:
interestingly timed fundraising missive from Buttigieg campaign: “We can’t afford four more years of the same kind of toxic politics, whether it’s coming from Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders.”
— Rick Klein (@rickklein) February 22, 2020
New Buttigieg fundraising email hits Sanders hard over his response to yesterday’s Russia news.
“It’s telling of the kind of politics we’re in for in Bernie’s vision of the future: More conspiracy theories, more attacks undermining the free press…” pic.twitter.com/CCzzsE3t0j
— Henry J. Gomez (@HenryJGomez) February 22, 2020
5:41 PM:
Here’s how final choice is looking so far: Sanders still has sizable lead, even more so than initial choice #NVCaucus https://t.co/eRtdUPNkXY pic.twitter.com/GzJtcZo7hj
— Kabir Khanna (@kabir_here) February 22, 2020
5:39 PM: There’s going to be a lot of pressure on her to drop out.
Already in Minnesota from Nevada, @amyklobuchar cast her vote today, early, in Minneapolis, a campaign spokesperson tells NBC News. She was joined by her husband John Bessler.
— Amanda Golden (@amandawgolden) February 22, 2020
5:35 PM: Bernie going for KO:
Bernie Sanders being in Texas on the night of the Nevada Caucus is the sign of campaign that wants to lock up the nomination by mid-March
— Dan Pfeiffer (@danpfeiffer) February 22, 2020
5:25 PM: Fox News calls Nevada for Bernie:
With 4% of precincts reporting, Fox has called Nevada for Sanders
— Nicholas Wu (@nicholaswu12) February 22, 2020
5:25 PM: Union workers voted for Sanders.
Fascinating – I asked many @SenSanders supporters about their unions’ concern about Medicare for All. They told me yes, they have good insurance now but what if they lose their jobs? And they have friends and family w/o jobs (NV jobless rate is higher than national average)
— Chris Jansing (@ChrisJansing) February 22, 2020
5:20 PM:Sanders with the early lead as the votes start coming in and establishment “hacks” like Carville don’t know what to do:
As @BernieSanders is primed 4 big #NevadaCaucus victory, @JamesCarville calls for media 2 interfere in 2020 election 2 warn Americans of the “risk” of Sanders.
“I don’t know if us in the media are sufficiently telling people what are the risks that you’re running by doing this” pic.twitter.com/L9bVWrJJ1x
— Jordan (@JordanChariton) February 22, 2020
4:50 PM:
Young voters (under 30) are more likely than any other age group to support a government health care plan that would replace private insurance.
8 in 10 said they do.
Seniors are divided on this with roughly half supporting it and half opposing it.
— Cara Korte (@CaraKorte) February 22, 2020
4:47 PM: Sanders energized in Texas:
We’re running against billionaires and some candidates funded by billionaires, but Trump fears our campaign the most because we have what they don’t. We have an unprecedented movement. Live from El Paso: https://t.co/mApZ7TCCgb
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) February 22, 2020
4:45 PM:
Half of the 4 precincts I chaired this morning were determined by cards. Both were small precincts only awarding 1 delegate. #NVCaucus
1 to Pete
1 to Warren pic.twitter.com/P4MydINNfJ— R. Armstrong (@RossEArmstrong) February 22, 2020
4:25 PM: Union workers not listening to their establishment leaders:
It’s a wipeout at the Bellagio at-large precinct — for Bernie.
Out of 123 caucus attendees, many of them Culinary union members, the final alignment:
Sanders: 76 (=32 delegates)
Biden: 45 (=19 delegates)
Uncommitted: 2 (=0 delegates) pic.twitter.com/CPvwga3AYi— Matt Pearce (@mattdpearce) February 22, 2020
.@CBSNews Nevada entrance poll:
About a quarter of caucus goers live in union households. On initial preference, @BernieSanders leads with them with more than a third of the vote, followed by @JoeBiden with 19%
— Bo Erickson CBS (@BoKnowsNews) February 22, 2020
Sanders is winning at a number of #NevadaCaucus2020 sites where substantial numbers of Culinary Union members vote.
— John Nichols (@NicholsUprising) February 22, 2020
4:21 PM:
According to @ABC‘s preliminary data on Nevada Caucus entrance polls there was a decline in racial and ethnic minorities. Nonwhites accounted for 35 percent of caucus-goers, compared with 41 percent in 2016.
— Kelsey Walsh (@Kjwalsh_news) February 22, 2020
3:40 PM: Reports of low turnout due to early voting:
This is the gym of Rancho High School in East Las Vegas, a predominantly working class community and which was advertised by the Nevada Dem party as a good site to be at on caucus day. It is apparently a bust due to early voting. https://t.co/PXYWvKS47l
— Ben Pu (@BenPu_nbc) February 22, 2020
3:05 PM: Early entrance polls showing Sanders winning a majority of the Hispanic vote and Biden winning a plurality of the African American vote.
Nevada entrance poll (early vote wave)
Sanders 31%
Buttigieg 18%
Klobuchar 13%
Biden 12%Hispanic
Sanders 51%
Biden 13%
Buttigieg 10%
Steyer 9%
Warren 8%
Klobuchar 6%Black
Biden 36%
Sanders 25%
Steyer 13%
Warren 13%
Klobuchar 3%
Buttigieg 2%— Steve Kornacki (@SteveKornacki) February 22, 2020
2:45 PM: Steyer setting expectations:
Tom Steyer was here. He’s campaigned hard in Nevada. Told me he expects to come second or third in the state. /2
— Tamsin McMahon (@tamsinrm) February 22, 2020
2:35 PM: Caucuses begin at the top of the hour.
Iowa has coin flips, Nevada has a deck of cards for ties:
Breaking a tie with a deck of cards? #NevadaCaucus https://t.co/TGIvC1wCPf
— Andrew Stockey (@astockeyWTAE) February 22, 2020
Incredible energy in the @MandalayBay employee dining room only hours before the #NevadaCaucus is set to begin! Thank you to the staff, volunteers & @Culinary226 for ensuring workers can make their voices heard! pic.twitter.com/t9FUoA6ARy
— Steve Sisolak (@SteveSisolak) February 22, 2020
@Bellagio @Culinary226 Let’s caucus. #FirstInTheWest pic.twitter.com/5SbrGeluw7
— Fellow Americans (@OffTheCouch2020) February 22, 2020
Joe Biden shows up at Cheyenne High School #NVCaucus. @reviewjournal pic.twitter.com/J0W7xRSKwK
— Jeff German (@JGermanRJ) February 22, 2020
What issues are motivating Latino voters in Nevada? Our reporter @SuzGamboa is on the ground and has spoken to Latino voters participating in the #NevadaCaucus. Latinos make up 20% of Nevada’s voters. https://t.co/JxgB9keh7M
— NBC Latino (@NBCLatino) February 22, 2020
Pete Buttigieg stopped by Sierra Vista High School in Las Vegas to greet caucus goers ahead of today’s Nevada Caucuses. pic.twitter.com/xviLcWlIrs
— DJ Judd (@DJJudd) February 22, 2020
Heard from a campaign that party officials told them there aren’t enough volunteers to be precinct chairs so they’re asking campaigns to provide them, setting up a conflict of interest (and probably benefits Sanders, who’ll have volunteers everywhere). DM if you’re at a caucus.
— Ryan Grim (@ryangrim) February 22, 2020
The #NVcaucus formally begins at noon pacific, but Sen. @BernieSanders is wheels down in El Paso, TX for the first of four Texas rallies his campaign has scheduled weekend. https://t.co/OTr1sFybJH
— Gary Grumbach (@GaryGrumbach) February 22, 2020
Warren with huge fundraising haul, probably with an assist from Bloomberg:
I want every person who pitches in a few bucks to our campaign to know: I’m deeply grateful for you. Together, we’re building a movement to put power in the hands of the people. Chip in now to keep up the momentum. https://t.co/mjkNrZp4CC https://t.co/dyZ1pUayKf
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) February 22, 2020
Biden still still with zero wins in three presidential runs.
.@JoeBiden tells me win or lose, he’s moving on to Super Tuesday
On Russia: “what I’m surprised about is..why they didn’t tell me & other people what’s going on here”
“Putin doesn’t want me to be the nominee because he knows I know him. He knows I will not take any of his guff” pic.twitter.com/komVnqR39m
— Rachel Scott (@rachelvscott) February 22, 2020
Nevada Dems bragging about registering new Democrats.
NEWS: More than 10,000 Nevadans registered to vote as Democrats during early voting for the #NevadaCaucus – growing our advantage over Republicans again!
This is how we beat Donald Trump and elect Democrats up and down the ticket in 2020.https://t.co/DZW7L7BV7V
— NV Dems (@nvdems) February 22, 2020
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