Jesus' Coming Back

New Study Finds That 47 Percent Of Mainline Pastors Support Sodomite Marriage

When all are taken to consideration, the total is about one-quarter of all pastor support sodomite marriage. This does not include those who support or will condone sodomite unions. While the issues in the Catholic Church have been known about for years with this and other issues, the situation in the Protestant world is as just as bad and given that the various Protestant sects are closed tied to the cultural zeitgeist, it is likely that there will be a continued rise in those who support giving formal legitimacy in churches to the sin that “cries out to heaven for vengeance”.

Nearly half of mainline pastors say they back same-sex marriage, although support among evangelical pastors remains low, according to a new LifeWay Research survey.

The poll of 1,000 pastors found that 47 percent of mainline pastors say they “see nothing wrong with two people of the same gender getting married.” That’s an increase from 2010, when 32 percent of mainline pastors answered that way.

Among evangelical pastors, though, only 8 percent support same-sex marriage – the same percentage from 2010.

When combining the two groups, 24 percent of Protestant pastors back same-sex marriage, according to the survey. (source)

Supporting sodom and all things of it is not abnormal any more.

This is just part of normal, average, American life in the current times.

If one opposes it then one is socially out of connection with the times, not because opposing it is wrong, but because so few do it anymore.


Jesus Christ is King

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