Jesus' Coming Back

Unlocking The Seven Seals Of The Apocalypse And Why You Are Currently Living In The Sixth Seal

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special)

Comprehending where we are in the timetable of history and prophecy requires the understanding of allegory and symbolism and not following sensationalism and literalism. Christ clearly instructed to unlock parables and spoke in parables so that the foolish do not comprehend. The authors of Blood Moons interpreted the sun as the literal sun and the moon as the literal moon. They turned out to be nothing more than lying prophets. The Blood Moon phenomenon has come and gone without apology from the authors while the foolish loosened their wallets.  Our exposing of such liars only gained us thousands of awful comments and rebuke from locusts in Christian garb. Blood Moons have came and gone while our interpretations still stand. This very long essay is to understand the Seven Seals and why you are currently living during the Sixth Seal.

John gave a mechanism; “seven seals” in Revelation 6, which begins after a persecution of the primitive church and ends with the coming of Christ. Therefore, this duration (just as in Daniel) must be the whole history of the church on earth from beginning to end.

Each seal describes a snippet or a summary on what to expect in each era of Christian history and this extends all the way to “the wrath” to come. Daniel 2 also offers snippets of 4 sequential empires ending with Christ (the Rock) Who destroys an image at the end comprising the composite of all four empires coming at once. We find another set of beasts in Daniel chapter 7 that seem to have much in common with Daniel 2. And to correspond with Daniel, John gave us a beast with “seven heads” (7 empires) in sequential order.

Attempting to pinpoint these empires has not been an easy task since most do not realize that these prophecies encompass a general description to different eras in history. For example, the 4 metallic empires can be said to being 1—Babylon, 2—Greece, 3—Medo-Persia and 4—Rome. However, in Daniel 2, the iron (being Rome) crushes all previous metals. Prior to Rome was the Persian Empire and Rome never crushed the Persians. Fulfillments cannot have faulty history. While the prophecy does match in a sense these empires, the ultimate fulfillment of the Iron was what crushed Babylon (Iraq), Greece (Asia Minor), Persia (Iran) and Rome in the East. The only one that qualifies is the Islamic Seven Caliphates, which were also four and encompasses ten horns (see chapter 26 starting at page 133 in this book). This is why we are given the seven empires in John’s Apocalypse. These were meant for the era of the church. These prophecies are a general summary to how history repeats from ancient Rome to Antichrist.
Simply put, the seals are a message to John, strictly to what happens to the church, similar to what Daniel registered in what happens “to your people” (Daniel 9:24, 10:14).

The first seals include four riders on four different colored horses. And since horses have always signified warfare, the other seals (5th, 6th, and 7th) have a different characteristic, which we shall explain. It is also crucial not to focus on the count; a single rider and a single horse does not necessarily have to represent the life of a single individual with a single event, but a span in history.

Also, one cannot assume the point in time when the first seal begins. We must pay close attention to the text that tells us when and what occasion the sparking event for the first seal to unravel. And from henceforth, we begin to monitor the events until we have viable evidence to observe the second seal … so on and so forth.

Many jump to the end-times portraying the first seal (with a white horse) as the Antichrist without any evidence of how they derived a starting point. So they instantly begin to interpret that the first seal begins at the end of days when there are no indications in scripture for such method. In addition, the seven seals are not the seven bowls/vials of wrath, which are disclosed after the seventh seal is broken. How they jump to the end-times is simply unfounded and the reason is simply to invent sensationalism.

So the starting point is crucial from where the breaking of the first seal begins. After the seven churches are addressed, a prophecy regarding the persecution by the Romans is given:

“Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.” (Revelation 2:10)

The “ten days” is spoken in a metaphor to mean a span of time. Why would John be given such instructions over a ten day prison term makes no sense—this is not a prison sentence of ten days. The text says “tribulation”. This is a tribulation period regarding the Roman persecution. To object a “ten day” period for the persecution by the Romans is to also object when Christ said: “behold I am coming quickly” (Revelation 22: 12, 22:20).
We then read through chapter 3 with admonishments and such until we get to the next verse, which includes a pointer to an eventful proclamation:

“Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this.” (Revelation 4:1)

So when is the starting point of the first seal? It is “after this,” that is, after the tribulation from pagan Rome.
This “tribulation” is the Roman persecution and the coliseum. We all have a general idea of these times. So “after” the church’s tribulation of 10 allegoric days (meaning a short while) it is only then that the first seal is broken. So whatever initiates the ending of this persecution is the first seal:

“And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.” (Revelation 6:2)

But this would make Constantine this rider. He ended the persecution.

Answer: theological prejudice, misconception or simply pure hatred. Dividing the church into sectarian factions can only be done by twisting the scriptures.

The horses are: 1—white (peace through war), then 2—red (massive war), then 3—black (massive famine) and then 4—pale (massive death).

Misinterpreting the first seal misses the cause of Christianity’s rise; its kick-starter was the rider of the white horse. They also miss the cause of Christianity’s weakening: the rise of the red horse, which came after the white.

In the Bible (old and New testaments) it has never once indicated that a white horse as a bringer of an evil omen; all white horses in scripture are bearers of good news.

This makes it difficult to sustain such arguments. How could a rider of a white horse in Revelation 6 be Antichrist while the white horse of Revelation 19 (all agree) is Christ’s? These would argue that Revelation 19 describes the rider as “righteous and true” while we have no such mention for the 1st seal rider.

But such argument is still shattered once we examine the only other single reference of a “white horse” in Zechariah 1:8. That “white horse” comes after a “red horse” and has no compliment being “righteous and true,” yet was righteous.

This would compel us to ask a Jesus-style question: was Cyrus (the rider of that white horse in Zechariah 1:8), who brought liberty for ancient Israel, an Antichrist?

Cyrus came after a “red horse,” which represented the persecution of God’s people by Babylon. The last refutation that renders these theories worthless is that even Christ Himself is depicted coming on a white horse:

Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. (Revelation 19:11)

So the “faithful and true” Who also “makes war” (to end persecution and bring peace) rides a “white horse” and mimics the same rider in the first seal.

Why did we then depict “white” with “unrighteousness” and “false peace”? The typical faulty argument goes like this:

“It is to be observed that the next three horses (verses 3 to 8) are of obvious evil import. Does not this suggest the possibility that all four, including the first horse, are of a foreboding and threatening nature?” (typical comment obtained from a forum)

Why then not apply the same logic in Zechariah:

“I saw by night, and behold a man riding upon a red horse, and he stood among the myrtle trees, that were in the bottom: and behind him were horses, red, speckled, and white. And I said: What are these, my Lord? And the angel that spoke in me, said to me: I will show thee what these are: And the man that stood among the myrtle trees answered, and said: These are they, whom the Lord hath sent to walk through the earth.” (Zechariah 1:8-10)

In Zechariah, God declared that He sends these horses one of which is white.

The reason they twist the scriptures is that the greatest of hypocrites are those who reject the wars by Constantine to wipe out Roman tyranny. Yet these same people hypocritically accept U.S. wars saying it was just and biblically justified.

Indeed, the war against Nazism and the cold war against Communism were just wars. General Patton could easily be depicted riding a white war-horse with a bow in hand as a bringer of peace through war. But what about the war that ended the killing of the saints including the drift into Arianism: to deny that in any true sense God in not the Trinity which Mohammed (like Arius) tirelessly advocated Unitarianism in his Quran.

It was Constantine who brought an end to pagan tyranny and fought endlessly against the Arian heretics.

But when it comes to this specific rider of the white horse, the schismatic (just like the Arians) are colorblind. Had it not been for sectarian divides, all interpreters would universally accept that if a horse is white, it is the bearer of good news that persecution has ended with victory for God’s people as when Cyrus brought victory against Babylon.

Even these have no problem with Cyrus, regardless that Cyrus (unlike Constantine) we have no record of him even being a registered ‘believer’. They after all, universally accept that if a horse is red, it is a period of massive wars, and if it is pale, it is a period of massive death, and if it is black, it is a period of global famines, and if it is the shaking of mountains (the “earthquake” in the sixth seal explained here); it is an era of massive rebellions, splits and demographic shifting. The Sixth Seal is the dimming of the sun. This is a massive falling away you witness today and rising. Indeed, what is most concerning for today is the sixth seal, for it has both “earthquake” and “dimming of the sun”.

To further understand how allegories are interpreted one must first study this link before embarking on this journey to comprehend the Seven Seals we present here.

Since wars (red horse) and famines (black horse) existed throughout history, we need to be careful where to pinpoint this era.

We need to keep in mind, that when God uses a word that its outcome is massive. So when He uses “red” we must be looking for the reddest era in Christian history: the most massive wars and the highest numbers of killing. And if it is pale, we must acknowledge the palest era in history (the most massive famines) … We cannot pick and choose whom we like or whom we hate and weave them into the fabric of our private interpretation.

To avoid having to deal with the most obvious, the “crown given to him” being Constantine (who was a bringer of good news to the suffering church at Rome) many would sprint this horse—way into the future—to the ends of days making it the carrier of the worst news ever: the Antichrist.

What would have happened to these interpreters had an ancient prophet foretold that a rider would someday come on a white donkey? Would they reject Him as Antichrist or accept Him as Messiah?

Yet even Christ’s second coming is on a white horse. To these prejudice interpreters, it is as if God was simply interested in warning the escape artists (rapture crazed) who sit quite comfortably in the 21st century. To these, God had no good tidings for the suffering church at Rome!

In the next chapters we will dispel the most common myths: Apocalypse was written strictly for the end times. No. God was not only concerned with the laziest church during the ends of days, Apocalypse was written to instruct the church for all times as we shall examine in detail. Another myth: there is a thousand year reign of the Kingdom before the end of the world. No. Gog and Magog in Revelation 20 came a thousand years after the era of the White Horse and these hordes are forming today and will come again as punishment for the laziest fallen church just before Christ comes. They come up twice. Another myth: the rider of the white horse is the Antichrist. No he is not. Let us unravel the First Seal:

“And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.” (Revelation 6:2)

It is here where the devil confuses, and since the history of the church has not commenced when the Apocalypse was given, it was difficult for the first church fathers to unravel its mysteries. However, they settled many issues as they have seen prophecy unfold.

The white horse in Revelation 6 is a type of Cyrus, having a bow and a crown is the conquering of God (Christendom) “conquering and to [further] conquer” the world for Christ.

This is no short time span and involves victory by conquering and continual conquering of pagan lands.

This prophecy never predicted an end of wars, on the contrary, at times; peace could never be obtained without war and any “white horse” rider is always concerning justified wars.

The prophecy did not promise the end of strife, struggle, heresies, betrayals and warfare. These will still be with us to the end.

And it is not as if it marks the most wars in history (as the red horse). It simply means that at crucial times the only way out in order to initiate peace and truth prevail is by war.

So the wars during the era of the white horse conquered paganism and continued to conquer the greatest threat which was a prelude to Islam: Arianism. This will pop up again in Gog’s Islam. Yet in the end (and unlike the red horse) such heresies were always defeated through conquering and is why even the conquering Christ in Isaiah 48:16 deals with the issue of the Trinity.

Arianism (anti-Trinity) was more a reaction to Constantine’s Nicene creed and by the end of the 4th century it had surrendered its remaining ground to Trinitarianism through utter defeat.

In Western Europe, Arianism, taught by Ulfilas, an Arian missionary to the Germans, took the Goths, Longobards and the Vandals. By the 8th century, it had ceased to be the mainstream belief adopting Nicene orthodoxy when Orthodoxy was enforced by Clovis I of the Franks (496 AD), then Reccared I of the Visigoths in 587 and Aripert I of the Lombards in 653.

With the pagans, Kings Clovis I and Æthelberht of Kent defeated the Franks and Anglo Saxons who entered the Western Roman Empire as pagans. The remaining tribes – the Vandals and the Ostrogoths – did not convert but having been militarily defeated by the armies of Emperor Justinian I, the remnants were dispersed to the fringes of the empire and melted into Christian history.

The wars against Arianism, Vandalic War (533–534) dispersed the defeated Vandals. Following their final defeat at the Battle of Mons Lactarius in 553, the Ostrogoths went back north and resettled in south Austria.

Much of south-eastern Europe and central Europe, including many of the Goths and Vandals even Spain, parts of Italy and North Africa embraced Arianism which was finally suppressed in the 6th and 7th centuries. Visigothic Spain converted to Catholicism at the Third Council of Toledo in 589. Grimwald King of the Lombards (662–671), and his young son and successor Garibald (671), were the last Arian kings in Europe.

This was the good news until (after the red horse) when the Protestant Reformation in the sixteenth century facilitated Arianism to erupt all over again with John Assheton, Miguel Servetus, who was burned alive by the orders of Protestant John Calvin in 1553 (one more myth busted, yes Protestants burned people more than Catholics). Then we have the anti-Trinitarian of the Polish Reformation separated from the Calvinist to form the Arian Polish Brethren. Then we had John Biddle who even denied the pre-existence of Christ. Then we had Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury and minister Robert Ferguson, and professed himself an Arian. And in the 18th century we had Samuel Clarke, Benjamin Hoadly, William Whiston and Sir Isaac Newton (yes Newton was a heretic) followed the “dominant trend” in Britain, particularly in Latitudinarianism was towards Arianism.

Had it not been for Constantine, the whole of Christendom would have fallen to Arianism, just like the Muslims who converted much of eastern Christianity, and then the whole of Europe would have easily succumbed to Islam since they had Arianism in common.

It is time for the simpleton who reads prophecy by reiterating snippets of history to only recount 70 AD (when Titus destroyed the temple) and the return of Israel’s exiles from Babylon, as if such few events are keys to unlock prophecy. Constantine the Great was truly the Cyrus of his time. Both were riders of a White Horse in scripture, which dispels another myth that a white horse rider could be an antichrist. It is white because God likes the rider. He ruled with a rod of iron (a war-bow) crushing paganism and enforcing Christian moral law. After a vision of the sign of the cross before a decisive battle, the words ‘In hoc signo vinces’ or ‘In this sign, conquer!

Constantine issued the Edict of Milan in 313, First Council of Nicaea in 325 from which the Nicene Creed included belief in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. Emperor Theodosius then made Nicene Christianity the state church of the Roman Empire with the Edict of Thessalonica of 380. This history encompasses the conquering of the Gospel from the Levant (Asia Minor), Europe and North Africa during the early Roman Empire. This “white horse” era of warfare was about a thousand or so years as God held back Lucifer’s global influence and this ended when the first “Gog and Magog” (the Turks) invasion took the eastern part of Christendom and ruled that “glorious city” Constantinople in 1451 AD the first fulfillment of Apocalypse 20:8-9. Gog and Magog will perish by fire the second time.

Just as in Cyrus, in all prophetic verses where a white horse is mentioned it is always symbolic of the ending of persecution (an era of peace), and is only established by warfare: “conquering and to [further] conquer.” This was exactly the case with Cyrus as well as Constantine. In other words, the prophecy of this era says this: the pagans who had persecuted the church at Rome are now conquered and all enemies will be further conquered throughout until the red horse arises (“to kill one another”) which is a civil war.

If one uses the simplest observation to interpret, it becomes obvious; this era, it is peace through war.

And when one examines this era of history, one finds it very similar to the history of the people of God’s struggle in the Old Testament. When Constantine and Licinius entered Rome, they took the entire party of Daia and executed them. Amongst these was Peucetius, who was in charge of persecuting the Christians in Egypt. The entire family of Daia, like the sons of Ahab, were arrested and put to death.

And let us not forget about Theotecnus, who erected the statue of Jupiter in Antioch and tried to force the Christians to worship it. He too was seized, alongside all of his companions, and they were all killed, (Euseb. Eccles. Hist. 9.11)

This mimics the story Zebah and Zalmunah, who forced the Hebrews to worship the idols of Baal and then Gideon slew them.

Even Constantine’s defeat of Maxentius at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge replayed the Biblical account in Exodus as the enemy drowned while God’s people made it through.

Constantine was the Moses of the Christians.

One of the oldest battles in Christendom’s history was fought in the year 405, between Rome and the pagan Germans. It is a wonderful event of ancient Christendom, in which more than a hundred thousand German pagans, under the savage Gothic ruler Radagaisus, approached Christian Rome to sack it. Not one Roman solider lost their lives in the fray, and the entire army of pagans submitted to the Christian sword, while Radagaisus and his sons were put to death. (Augustine, City of God, 5.23) St. Paulinus of Nola, one of the great fathers of the Church, wrote a poem on the providential battle:

“The enemy and their unholy king alike are slaughtered, and the victory of the boy Augustus has restored peace; though of tender years, his courage in battle emerged triumphant through God’s strength, and he has shattered human resource through Christ’s victory over an impious tyrant.” (Poem 21)

In 328 A.D., the emperor Constantine, led by moral obligation, sought to protect the Christians of Persia who were being cruelly persecuted by the Sassanid Persian king Shapur, who had priorly made an allegiance with Rome. (Theodoret. Eccles. Hist. 124; Eusebius, Life of Constantine, 4.8) To sway him from his despotism, Constantine sent a letter to Shapur, professing to him his love for God, his disdain for paganism—no doubt learned by the Law of Moses—and his contempt for tyranny, undoubtedly inspired by God. Only a man instilled by the instruction of his Creator, could have written these words, in defiance to tyranny, to this Persian despot:

“By keeping the Divine faith, I am made a partaker of the light of truth—guided by the light of truth, I advance in the knowledge of the Divine faith. Hence it is that (as my actions themselves evince), I profess the most holy religion. And this worship I declare to be that which teaches me deeper acquaintance with the most holy God, aided by whose Divine power, beginning from the very borders of the ocean, I have aroused each nation of the world in succession to a well-grounded hope of security, so that those which, groaning in servitude to the most cruel tyrants, and yielding to the pressure of their daily sufferings, had well nigh been utterly destroyed, have been restored through my agency to a far happier state. This God I confess that I hold in unceasing honor and remembrance. This God I delight to contemplate with pure and guileless thoughts in the height of his glory. This God I invoke with bended knees, and recoil with horror from the blood of sacrifices, from their foul and detestable odors, and from every earth-born magic fire.” (Letter in Eusebius, Life of Constantine, 4.9)

Near the end of the letter, Constantine reminds Shapur of how he crushed former tyrants who oppressed the saints, such as Maxentius and Licinius, and that he trusted that he would protect the Christian population of his nation, writing: “I commend the Christians to your care, and leave them in your protection; treat them, I beseech you, with benevolence.” (Letter in Theodoret. Eccles. Hist. 125) The message was simple and gentle, but yet firm: God had toppled the persecutors of the past, and you are not immune from the punishment if you tread upon their same path. (See Peter J. Liethart, Defending Constantine, ch. 11, p. 247)

When Rome was under the Christian emperor Theodosius, the Persian king Gororanes (known as Bahram V), a hater of Christians, surrounded the city with the intent of conquering it for the cause of Ahura Mazda. The siege proved unsuccessful, but the Persians nevertheless kept their post. During this time, a Persian prince who was amongst the besiegers began to blaspheme God like Goliath did, and threatened to burn the church of Rome down. Eunomius, the bishop of Rome, was enflamed with such zealous fire that he, like David, ordered a stone to be catapulted toward the prince. It was released, and with accuracy landed on the blasphemer’s head, striking him dead as David’s stone killed Goliath. (Theodoret. Eccles. Hist. 5.38)

The goal to replace Christendom with a world Zoroastrian empire was desired by Khosroes II, who hoped to take over the whole Christian Roman empire. He mustered a large force against the Romans and their general Germanos, and defeated them. At the battle of Arxamoun, Khosroes fought the Romans using elephants, crushed them, and then took many captives and put them to death.

In short time, Khosroes expanded Persian power, taking all of Mesopotamia and Syria. When the Romans attempted to defend the Syrian cities Apamea and Edessa, their entire army was wiped out, save only a few men. The Persians would soon enter Asia Minor where they took Galatia and Paphlagonia; they advanced all the way to Chalcedon, and even reached Constantinople which they assaulted greatly, but did not conquer.

The Muslims (under Gog and Magog) also wanted to conquer Constantinople; they failed in the first attempt, but succeeded in 1451. Constantinople is on the eye of the devil, he desires to take for in its midst lies the Hagia Sophia, one of the most holiest sites in Christendom. They invaded the Cappadocian city of Caesarea in Asia Minor where they captured prisoners by the tens of thousands. The worshippers of Ahura Mazda went right into Damascus, captured the city, and began a full out massacre.

When the emperor Heracleas sent messengers to Khosroes to offer a tribute for peace, the tyrant sent them back, not being interested in money but in totally conquering the Roman empire. (Chron. Theophan. pp. 1-4, 6, 9-11, trans. & ed. Harry Turtledove; Theophilus of Edessa’s Chronicle, section 1, from MSyr, p. 68, trans. Robert G. Hoyland, Liverpool University Press)

After the conquest over the Holy Land, the Persians marched into North Africa, vanquishing and taking into their dominion all of Egypt, Ethiopia, and Libya. These takeovers were for strictly religious purposes, since when Heracleas sent ambassadors to Khosroes for peace, the Persian oppressor stated: “I will have no mercy on you until you renounce him who was crucified and worship the sun.” (Chron. Theophan. 301, pp. 11-12) The persistent bloodshed and pillaging from the Persians sufficed for Heracleas’ anger; he had no other choice but to declare a Holy War on Persia. His rage toward the persecutions and continuous violence against Christians by the Persians is found in the speech he made before his army:

“Brothers and children, you see that God’s enemies have overrun our land, laid waste our cities, burned our altars, and filled the tables of bloodless sacrifice with bloody murders. They take great pleasure in defiling our churches, which should not suffer.” (Chron. Theophan. 304, p. 14)

The Persians sent a force into Armenia, but once they found out that the Romans were in Persia, they withdrew the army to come and defend the homeland. After some fighting took place, Khosroes fled to the city Thebarmais where a lofty Zoroastrian temple stood. Heraclius pursued him, and the tyrant resumed his retreat, and when the Roman king arrived, he burned the pagan temple, (Chron. Theophan. 307-308, pp. 16-17) a great action against idolatrous oppression. Heraclius even showed mercy to the fifty thousands Persian prisoners which he took, letting them all go free, taking care of them, and permitting them to rest. They were stirred with such compassion that they, in tears, exclaimed Heraclius as “the savior of Persia, who would kill Khosroes, the universal destroyer.” (Chron. Theophan. 308, p. 17) Such an event shows the enormous difference between Christian justice and pagan subjection. The struggle continued, and it wasn’t getting any easier, but Heraclius kept up the spirits of his men. “Brothers,” he said, “do not be troubled by your enemies’ numbers for, God willing, one will chase thousands. Let us sacrifice ourselves to God for the salvation of our brothers. Let us take the martyrs’ crown so the future will applaud us and God will give us our reward.” (Chron. Theophan. 311, p. 19) This statement clearly shows how these ancient Christians viewed martyrdom, that the crown of glory can be obtained with by being killed in persecution, or dying in Holy War.

The Byzantines showed an impenetrable spirit when combating the heathen soldiers. Money was drained from the Persians, and so Khosroes forced the churches under his empire to give away all of their valuables and treasures. (Chron. Theophan. 315, p. 21) When the Byzantines were in Persia fighting the pagans, their Khazar allies left them, leaving the Christian warriors by themselves. Though this must have been shocking at first, Heraclius spoke to his men of how God works not through numbers, but through those who truly believe; that “salvation does not lie in masses of men or arms. Rather He [God] sends down His aid to those who believe in His mercy.” (Chron. Theophan. 317, p. 23) It was a profound statement that shows the wonders which so few individuals can do against an army of slaves.

On a major battle in a flat valley, Heraclius illustrated his tenacity and vigor when he sprinted ahead of his army and slew a Persian officer. Another Persian came at him—the emperor killed him; and another confident enemy officer struck him on the lip with a spear, but Heraclius neutralized him as well. Trumpets roared from both side; the Christian forces made their charge upon the Persian soldiers. Almost the entire Persian army was annihilated, while fifty Romans lost their lives. The Romans pressed on and overwhelmed the Persians the next day, obtaining another victory. They advanced forward, searching for Khosroes. They discovered the mansions and statues of their enemy king, and to avenge the destruction of so many Christian cities and building by the Persians, Heraclius razed these to the ground. The emperor sent a letter to Khosroes, imploring again for peace:

“I am pursuing and chasing peace. For I do not willingly burn Persia; rather, you force me to do so. Let us now, therefore, throw down our arms and welcome peace. Let us quench this fire, before it consumes everything.” (Chron. Theophan. Annus Mundi 6118)

Khosroes would eventually be found in a lofty idolatrous tower that he built. It was very paralleled to the Tower of Babel: it was dedicated to the sun, moon, and stars. In an inner room of the tower, Khosrose sat on a middle seat and called himself God; on his right stood the cross he stole from Jerusalem, which he called “the Son,” and on his left he placed a cock, which he referred to as “the Holy Spirit.” He mockingly, but at the same seriously, placed himself as part of his own trinity. (Jacobus de Voragine, The Golden Legend, 137; De Croce, Refutation of the Koran, ch. Xiii) The intent of this tower was the same as the one in Shinar, and the Kaaba in Mecca: to be worshipped by all the earth, under astral religion. This monument of oppression needed to be destroyed. Heraclius entered the tower and beheaded Khosroes, thus ending the tyranny of Zoroastrianism, and crushing the dominion of the Persian. (Jacobus de Voragine, The Golden Legend, 137; De Croce, Refutation of the Koran, ch. Xiii) Heraclius then retook the stolen cross, returned to Jerusalem, and placed it back in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. (Jacobus de Voragine, The Golden Legend, 137; Chron. Theophan. Annus Mundi 6120)


The second seal, (rider of a red horse), is the complete reversal of the previous. Unlike the white horse (where its rider enforced peace), this one comes “to take peace from the earth that they should kill one another, and there was given to him a great sword”:

“And there went out another horse [that was] red: and [power] was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.” (Apocalypse 6:4)

“and the first chariot were red horses …” (Zechariah 6:2a)

In Apocalypse 6:4, wars were destined for the church as it was for ancient Israel (Zechariah 6:2) with invasions, wars and then the Great Jewish revolts and the civil wars that broke out amongst the Jews during the Grecian and Roman empires.

Such internal wars divided the Jewish kingdom into factions that eventually weakened God’s people and similarly with the church’s history.

So this era came right after the white horse. From the fifth century to the fifteenth century Christendom was able to keep its nations intact. But when the devil was loosened (thousand years later) things began to go southward. The era of the rider of the Red Horse encompasses much of history where wars erupted when Muslims invaded Christian Syria in the 7th century, all the way to the Ottoman Empire’s invasions lasting until the 19th century, a span of history included the bloodiest European internal wars in the Thirty Years War where even professing Christians would “kill one another” without mercy.

There is no other era in history like this one where Christendom had to face a 781 years war between Muslim and Christian Byzantine Wars.

Then we had the Reconquista, 780 years of wars between the Muslim Umayyad conquest of Spain from 711-1492 and the fall of the Muslim Moors, the Nasrid Kingdom in Granada with an estimated death toll of 7 million.

Similarly in eastern Christendom, internal wars opened the gates for Islam’s invasions for over 474 years worth of wars between the Christian Byzantine versus the Muslim Seljuqs (1048-1308; 260 years, and the Byzantine-Ottoman 1265-1479; 214 years). No historian can account for the millions upon millions dead.

Then we had 34 million casualties during the Mongol Empire versus several Eurasian states, not including the death from the Plague in Europe and western Asia, between 20-40 million deaths between 1206 and 1405 during the various campaigns of Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan, and Timur and 21 million others during the Islamic Empire and the Tang Dynasty China vs. Yan state (755-763).

But regardless of the wars, Christendom pretty much kept its nations for a millennia able to regain what it lost. After the fifteenth century splits began with the Protestant reformation weakening Christendom and giving way to Muslim invasions that conquered much.

In reality the Thirty Years War should have been called the First World War engulfing Europe between 1618 and 1648. Probably the most destructive conflict in Christian history resulted in millions upon millions fatalities not only from military engagements but also from violence, famine, and plague.

From the perspective of the Christian population at the time, it consumed huge populations; three decades of war turned central Europe into a wasteland. For example: during the 30-years war, Germany’s population dropped from 18 million to 4 million; ¾ of Germany’s population perished.

In terms of proportional German casualties and destruction, it was surpassed only by 1945 resulting in the 19th-century Pan-Germanism and became a key justification for the 1871 creation of the German Empire.

The Thirty Years’ War produced the largest death toll of all time. It began when Protestant leaders threw two Catholic emissaries out of a Prague window sparking a war that lasted 30 years between Catholic and Protestant princedoms, drawing in supportive religious armies from Germany, Spain, England, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, France and Italy. Sweden’s Protestant soldiers sang Martin Luther’s “Ein ‘Feste Burg” in battle.

The war altered the previous political order of European powers, which was made yet more complex by the spread of Calvinism throughout Germany.

The Calvinists worked with the Ottomans later on attempting to defeat the Catholic League at Lepanto, the greatest naval battle in history where the Cross defeated the Crescent and the Red Dragon was swallowed by the seas.

The 30 years war was so massive that it involved the House of Habsburg, also directly ruled a large portion of imperial territory: Austria, Bohemia, Hungary, Spain and its empire, Netherlands, southern Italy, the Philippines, and most of the Americas. The Rhine lands and those south to the Danube were largely Catholic, while Lutherans predominated in the north.
This was an era unparalleled in history where Christendom never really enjoyed any peace.

THE 3.5 YEARS (1260 YEARS)
Note: We are using the 1260 years as a type (a day for a year). We do realize that the 3.5 years are literal at the ends of days.

From the Middle Ages to the early modern period, wars occurred between Christendom and especially the Arian heretics, an anti-Trinity belief on par with the Muslim world. This represented the struggle between the church on one side and the heretics and the Muslims on the other side.

Then in the 18th-century rationalist Enlightenment and the French Revolution (the first attempt to topple the Christian establishment) was a transition to the post-Christian era.

It was a continual attack to destroy and squash the church from the inception of Islam’s invasions which sparked from 629 A.D to 633 A.D., (one year after Muhammad’s death) when the Muslim locusts entered Jordan massacring Christians in Kerak and in 636 A.D under Khalid bin Walid they crushed the Byzantine army at the plains of Megiddo (Armageddon) at the battle of Yarmuk. They then entered Jerusalem occupying it in 638 A.D. Amazingly, 1260 lunar years later in 1880 Russian Jews began flocking into Jerusalem, 1260 lunar years after Islam occupied it.

Heraclius eventually lost Syria (640 A.D.), Egypt and Byzantine Mesopotamia to the Muslim Arab locusts and the wars against Christendom continued throughout all seven Muslim caliphates until 1260 lunar years passed and the tide turned in 1871 A.D., all the way until Allenby’s decisive victory at the same place where Islam entered: at Megiddo and in 1918 when Christian Allenby forced the Turks to relinquish control of Jerusalem to the British. Thereafter he was often referred to as Allenby of Armageddon.

It was Martin Luther’s eschatology and interpretation of prophecy that made the realities of his time. This reality trickled all the way down to our time, setting a standard on how Christians viewed biblical prophecies. The end times, to Luther, was interpreted as having practical implications for a Christian’s life and actions where eschatology provided the basis, not just for political issues, but for pastoral advice in his time which still exist today for much of western Christianity. For example, in Luther’s day, the Ottoman threat arose with him responding to the threat from a prophetic paradigm that still repeats itself today:

“From the prophecy of Daniel 7, Luther concluded three determined realities that shaped his entire perspective on the Turks: (1) the Turks would never conquer European Christianity; (2) they [the Turks] would never be conquered by European Christianity. (3) they would always oppress Christianity militarily.” (Eschatology And The Turks by Nicholas Proksch from Bethany Lutheran Theological Seminary)

All three assumptions as it turned out were wrong. The Turks, according to Luther’s view, which we still see today, resembled no serious threat, since Luther believed that the real serious threat would arise out of the Roman Empire led by the papacy (as harlot). So he viewed Islam as a repellant to this beast.

So instead of viewing the Ottomans from the whole of scripture, he was confident that the Turks must somehow occupy “some prophecies” while he ignored the bulk of verses that spoke of this threat etched by John in the Book of Revelations. According to Luther “the Turk is also so great and powerful… [and] such a powerful thing has to be stated in Scripture.” Luther then went on a research spree and reserved Islam’s prophetic role as “the Little Horn” while reserving the Catholic Church as “Harlot” and the Holy Roman Empire as “the beast”.

John stated that the “harlot rides the beast” how such “Catholic Harlot” rides this “Muslim little horn” was unexplained by Luther, which reveals how such heritage crept into the Protestant world where fragmented views dominate their sphere.

Although Islam was the main threat to Christendom from before Luther and during Luther and after Luther, yet to Luther, the more insignificant the Turk was made, the better it was for Luther’s arguments and actions to fit neatly in his faulty fragmented paradigm. Luther’s reaction to the Ottoman beast had terrible consequences. While Luther’s main paradigm in his eschatological interpretations turned out false, Luther believed that the Turks were ‘a chastisement,’ ‘a scourge’ and a ‘rod in the hand of God’ to ‘bring Christians to repentance’. Luther, instead of encouraging preparedness, he instructed fatalism since in his view:

“the Turk ―has good fortune in waging war against Christians and usually gains the upper hand and obtains the victory… [but] here in Daniel it is announced beforehand that Christians are punished here on earth on account of their sin and the innocent are made into martyrs.”

In other words, when it comes to Ottoman victory, to Luther it was “God wills it” and so not much should be done. How can an “innocent” deserves to be “punished” was an odd observation. In other words, in Luther’s view, the Catholic Church deserved the Turks who were according to Luther’s interpretation only a “little horn” which cannot expand beyond to Germany since God protected that nation.

Luther’s reason for pointing the Ottomans as this “little horn” was that in his view the Turks had conquered three Roman dominions: 1) Egypt, 2) Asia Minor and 3) Greece, which according to Luther’s reckoning, was a clear fulfillment of Daniel 7:24. How Luther separated “Greece” from “Asia Minor” (Greece after all is in Asia Minor) was another oddity. Luther simply jimmy-rigged his theory to fit a text as shall these do when Antichrist come.

Such sloppy treatment of the text is classic in our days, where people make grand claims by using fragmented and deductive approach. And since this little horn uproots only three (using Luther’s textual isolation) he believed that the Ottomans resembled no danger to Europe (especially Germany) since they can only knock out and uproot three horns from the Roman Empire and nothing more.

Today, the bulk of prophecy enthusiasts think that “beasts” are exclusively regarding “end-times”. What they miss is that “beasts” encompass threats to the entire history of God’s people. In Daniel, he included Israel’s time period prior to Christianity to the end as four beasts and John the Revelator was a repeat with emphasis on only two beasts: 1—a “seven headed beast” (Revelation 17:10) with “five have fallen” (past) these are pre-church which encompassed Israel and then he addresses two remainders after the 6th (Roman, during the church period of John’s day) and then the two “the other that is not yet” is regarding a threat to the church age after Rome’s conversion.

This 7th was what Luther faced and lived with, is also the 8th, which re-arises at the end of days. These (two consecutive beasts) is also confirmed in the book of Apocalypse by John, it was destined that the Church suffers “two beasts,” both separate in time and are not to arise at the same time. The error many fall under (which was Luther’s folly) is that they believed these “two beasts” arise at the “same time” ignoring that the last one is “a lamb with two horns”. It is possible that we have one horn; an Assyrian from the North (Asia Minor) and yet another horn from Europe led by Germany that encompass the furthest parts of northern Europe.

These would be the Protestant nations. John warns of the peoples set to serve Antichrist. These are not measured as being part of God’s Temple and are set outside the altar. The true Temple must be of the Altar and these have no perpetual sacrifice and are considered as the “court of the gentiles” (pagans) given to serve Antichrist 3.5 years. Luther was loaded with significant errors and contributed significantly is causing massive blood to be split throughout Christendom. John clearly pointed out two remaining beasts, which come after the sixth. The first beast in the church age is stemming from the same entity as the second and is the last beast. The first stems “out of the sea” and is taken to “the pit” and the second arises out of the “earth” (pit) and back into the pit. As to understand the first, we find:

“And I saw a beast [first beast] coming up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten diadems, and upon his heads names of blasphemy.” (Revelation 13:1)

This is the Islamic threat, which Luther supported so long it persecutes the Catholics. He missed it since he missed that beasts encompass a span of history. Even the ten horns, they do not sprout all up at the same time.

These are consecutive and sequential. This first beast with all its ten horns arising out of the sea (Mediterranean sea) then later on went to the pit in the 19th century to later on shall sprout out of the pit (the earth) as the second beast in our time:

“And I saw another beast [second beast] coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns, like a lamb, and he spoke as a dragon.” (Revelation 13:11)

It is possible that by “spoke like a dragon” is the “red dragon” of Revelation 12 with the crescent moon under the woman’s feet.

Please note, that historically, the seven heads fit Islam’s seven Caliphates. These have been swallowed up by the pit and are now coming as the second beast “another beast” back from the earth (the pit) but with two power pegs and not ten.

The seven heads (Caliphates) are counted from the first to the seventh. We count the horns as each was taken over by the next, while we also carefully count each appointed crown (or Caliph/horn) keeping in mind that each crown is transferred to the next Caliph. This construct also supports what we see in Daniel’s chapter two, the four kingdoms. History lumps them as Four Main Caliphates (Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid and Ottoman) yet they were also seven caliphates (Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid, Fatimid, Ayyubid, Almohad and Ottoman) and ten crowns which represent the seven caliphates that also arise in the end to join the second beast with two horns.

These are seven in four with three were plucked out of the root by the Ottomans (Fatimid, Ayyubid and Al-Mohad).

There are four main caliphates (Rashidun, Umayyad, Abasid and Ottoman) with the other three within this same timeframe (Fatimid, Ayyubid and Al-Mohad) adding to seven caliphates (heads).

Everything fits even the crowns as to what consumed a third of Christendom: the Rashidun which sparked the conquest of Christian Syria in 637 and later Armenia had two, (1st crown) Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq and (2nd crown) Hasan ibn Ali’, Grandson of Muhammad Son of ‘Ali ibn Abi-Talib’ which branched into the Shiites.

This sprouted the two horns and is why it is a “divided kingdom”. Then the Umayyad Caliphate (second head, 661-750) was appointed Muʿāwiyah ibn ʾAbī Ṣufyān (3rd crown) centered in Mecca and Abd-ar-Rahman III (4th crown) centered in Christian Spain and North Africa and reached to east China borders and southern France Africa Morocco.

Then the Abbasid Caliphate (third head with two horns (750-945/1258/1517) founded by Abul `Abbas al-Saffaḥ or the butcher (5th crown) centered in Baghdad and Al-Mustansir Billah (6th crown) centered in Cairo. Then the Fatimid Caliphate (fourth head 910-1171) founded by al-Mahdi Billah (7th crown) established Fatimid rule (Shiite) throughout much of North Africa, Hejaz, Palestine and the Levant. Then we had the Ayyubid Caliphate (fifth head 1171-1260) with the famed Sultan Saladin (8th crown). Then The Almohad Caliphate (sixth head, 1147-1269).

The Alomhads (9th crown) ruled major areas of the Maghreb and Muslim Spain. Then the Ottoman Caliphate (1517–1923 the seventh head) founded by Selim I (10th crown) and by that he was the tenth and final horn.

The rule of thumb is that whoever persecuted the church throughout history must be the beast (the threat) mentioned in scripture and there were several beasts throughout history. Nothing in history so perfectly fit like these seven heads and ten crowns. Anyone who disagrees must answer: where else would anyone find a beast that persecuted the woman (the church) like these seven Islamic dynasties?

The Ottoman Empire finally collapsed in the 20th century when General Allenby took Jerusalem after a battle at Armageddon, which erupted in the very Valley of Megiddo uprooting the Ottomans from the Holy Land in 1918.

Battle of Megiddo (1918)


Once the tide turned for Christendom and the conquering of the Ottomans was underway, we find much evidence for the third seal around World War I, which was an era of unprecedented global starvation:

“When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand.

“And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a denarius, and three measures of barley for a denarius; and [see] thou hurt not the oil and the wine.”

“And I turned and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold, four chariots coming out from between two mountains; and the mountains were brazen” (Zechariah 6:1)

“And the second chariot black horses …” (Zechariah 6:2b)

“As for the chariot in which were the black horses, they went out to the land of the north …” (Zechariah 6:6)

Muhammad gave his speech to invade Christendom in 629 AD (1871 – 629 = 1260 lunar years). That is when the era of John’s “black horse” and Zechariah’s “black horses went to the land of the north” which starvation hit the entire northern region of the entire earth from Russia, the U.S., Germany to Turkey exactly as Zechariah prophesied. Zechariah’s black horses is in the third seal. “the two mountains” is Christendom’s region where the split. At the time these were “brazen” (bold) but in Zechariah 14th earthquake coming out of it are the punishments. The Mount of Olives “My Mountain” is Christ’s Kingdom which split from east (Orthodox) to west (Catholic) where some went north and others went south. (Read Zechariah 6 and Zechariah 14th carefully).

In 1871 AD, Turkey was struck with one of history’s worst famines and then followed by one of the world’s greatest locust invasions three years later in 1874 AD, 1260 lunar years from when Islam did its first occupation of a Christian country invading Syria at 633 AD in the Siege of Damascus.

From the 1800s, and for a hundred or so years, this was indeed an era of famine that took more lives than any other famines in history: 1810, 1811, 1846, and 1849 four famines in China with death toll estimated at 45 million and between 1850-1873, 20 million more died. 1876-1879, 15-19 million perished from famines in India, China, Brazil, Northern Africa (and other countries) and again famine in northern China killed 9–13 million people. 5.5 million died in the Great Famine of 1876–78 in India. 500,000 died in Brazil. British policies and drought were responsible for the deaths in India. The famine in China was a result of drought influenced by the El Niño-Southern Oscillation.

Then between 1914-1919, famines caused by the Allied blockade of Germany during World War I until Germany signed the Treaty of Versailles.

And from 1917–1919 the Persian famine took 1/4 of the population living in the north of Iran (8-11 million) and the Kazakh famine of 1919–1922 killed more.

Then a series of famines hit Turkestan at the time of the Bolshevik revolution which killed about a sixth of the population. The drought resulted in millions of deaths in the Soviet famine of 1932–1933, including the famine in Ukraine (5 – 8 million perished).

Then in the 1940s famine in Warsaw Ghetto in concentration camps caused by deliberate denial of food by the Nazis killing six million Jews and two-three million Polish.

We also have the Irish exodus to the U.S., sparked by the Great Famine was caused by a devastating potato disease. 33% of the Irish population relied on the potato for sustenance, and the onset of the disease in 1845 triggered mass starvations that lasted until 1853. The large Catholic population was suppressed by British rule, and left unable to own or lease land, or hold a profession.

When the blight struck, British ships prevented other nations from delivering food aid. Ireland experienced a mass exodus, with upwards of 2 million people fleeing the country, many to the United States. At its conclusion in 1853, 1.5 million Irish were dead, and an additional 2 million had emigrated. In total, the population of Ireland shrunk by a resounding 25%.

And much like the Soviet Famine of 1932-1933, Communism caused 45 million to perish in the Great Chinese Famine.

And then the locusts hit the Ottomans again in 1915 blocking the sun in Jerusalem with massive locust invasions in the United States right after when it declared U.S. neutrality in World War I in 1914 refusing to fight the Muslim Ottomans.

During these times and before Communism the U.S. abandoned Russia, which was fighting Japan and the Muslim Ottomans. Instead, the U.S. cozied up with the Ottomans in the beginning to later declare war on the German Empire and its Muslim ally on April 6, 1917.

In 1871 A.D., God struck the Ottoman Empire with mass starvation and disease where the loaf of bread was for a denarius. The famine sprouted the Great Eastern Crisis.

Amazingly, history even records what the Bible foretold “a quart of wheat for a denarius” and “do not harm the oil and the wine”. In 1871 A.D., even the wheat was extremely rare where “food sold for ten times the normal value”:

“A drought in 1872 led to massive crop failures across the Empire. Locust swarms denuded Cyprus of crops. A harsh winter led to widespread starvation. Dead bodies were seen on the streets of Istanbul and packs of wolves were observed attacking people in the suburbs.”

“Two pounds [a quart] of wheat for a denarius” (Revelation 6:6) went on to 1915, even a greater famine where locusts invaded Turkey and the entire Levant region.

Locusts even invaded the Ottoman sympathizer at the time, the United States after John Adams to cozy up to the Ottomans declared in the Treaty of Tripoli stating that: “the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.”

The U.S. omitted this phrase later on. The widespread winged invasion of 1874, though, hit harder than a million tons of flying bricks. The hot and dry conditions of the spring and summer of 1874 had provided ideal breeding conditions for the Rocky Mountain locusts. “The grasses seemed to wither, and the cattle bunched up near the creek and the well, and no air seemed to stir the leaves on the trees,” Kansas pioneer Susan Proffitt wrote. “All nature seemed still.” And then they came.”

In places the mass of insects blocked out the sun for as long as six hours. When the locusts did descend, they covered every shrub, plant and tree, sometimes breaking limbs with their combined weight. They flattened and devoured corn stalks and reaped fields of grain. They consumed only the most succulent bits of the wheat crop, letting the rest rot on the ground.

A map produced by the state of Missouri shows that the 1874 infestation spread from the eastern slope of the Rockies into western Iowa, Minnesota and Missouri and from the Canadian Prairie provinces to central Texas, just north of Austin. Generally it moved from north to south. Hit particularly hard were Kansas, Nebraska, Dakota Territory, western Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Indian Territory, eastern Colorado Territory and the southeastern corner of Wyoming Territory.

The results were often magnified in remote areas, as settlers there had modest food reserves and few neighbors to help. Texas, Montana Territory and the Prairie provinces of Canada were affected but escaped the worst of the infestation. The largest locust swarm in 1874, according to an 1880 U.S. Entomological Commission report, “covered a swath equal to the combined areas of Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire,
New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Vermont.”

A swarm of locusts in the U.S. would be some 1,800 miles long and 110 miles wide. “By the turn of the 20th century, the Rocky Mountain locust was fast becoming extinct. The last reported sighting of a living specimen came in southern Canada in 1902. Why this particular species became extinct remains something of a mystery.”

It was indeed “a measure of wheat for a denarius.” In Jerusalem the flour was 7 Kirsh (Kurus) per kilo (a kilo makes two quarts). So it is 3.5 Kurus per quart. In 1915, a Kurus is a 2.4 silver coin. This would be 8.4 grams of silver per quart. The daily wage was 12.6 grams of silver for an unskilled worker per day (5.5 Kurus a day).

Between 1915 and 1921 was probably one of the greatest persecutions in the history of the east and the Levant when the Young Turks government during the collapse of the Ottoman Empire persecuted Eastern Christian populations in Anatolia, Persia, Northern Mesopotamia and the Levant massacring 3.4 million (Kurdish, Arab and Circassian) and 1.5 million Armenian Christians, 750,000 Assyrian Christians and a million Greek Orthodox Christians and 250,000 Maronite Christians including Georgian Christians and Bulgarians who refused to accept the mark of Islam.


And this is what stemmed afterwards, the rise of Communism, Nazism and World War II:

“And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.”

The whole earth was involved in some shape or form in this war but particularly the northern region of the globe: U.S. Russia and Europe. Zechariah says that after these peace (chariot of white horses) will come and it did. This was the war of empires. World War II was the deadliest military conflict in the history of mankind where an estimated total of 70–85 million people perished. Besides the slaughter in combat, death from hunger resulted in at least 20 million people died as a result of malnutrition and its associated diseases during the Second World War. Nearly every country and territory in the world participated in WWII. One fourth of the earth was handed over to Nazism and Communism by innovators of confusion to kill millions and starve millions of Christians and Jews in the Ghettos, or in Siberia under Stalin, or even in Mexico during the Calles persecutions on the saints.

Throughout the history of the Soviet Union (1922–1991), there were periods where Soviet authorities brutally suppressed Christians. If we use biblical terminology, two Jewish false prophets named Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin calling to convert the world to their utopian vision, birthed what became the Soviet Marxist-Leninist policy. It advocated the control, suppression, and ultimately, the elimination of Christianity and caused a massive rebellion in Russia, which became the Soviet Union.

In 1921 it passed a resolution calling for wide-scale anti-Christian agitation which sparked the murder of the metropolitan of Kiev and executed twenty-eight bishops and 6,775 priests.

After the famine of 1922, which struck the evil empire, there was an outcry to spend the wealth of the church. The Jewish Lenin outlined that the entire property of the church could be used as a pretext to attack the church and kill Christian clergy.

As a result, the arm of the anti-clerical of the Soviet Union led by Yevgeny Tuchkov began aggressively arresting and executing bishops, priests, and devout worshipers, such as Metropolitan Veniamin in Petrograd in 1922 for refusing to accede to the demand to hand in church valuables (including sacred relics). Archbishop Andronik of Perm, who worked as a missionary in Japan, who was shot after being forced to dig his own grave. Bishop Germogen of Tobolsk, who voluntarily accompanied the czar into exile, was strapped to the paddle wheel of a steamboat and mangled by the rotating blades. In 1922, the Solovki Camp of Special Purpose, the first Russian concentration camp and a former Orthodox monastery, was established in the Solovki Islands in the White Sea. In the years 1917–1935, 130,000 Russian Orthodox priests were arrested; 95,000 were put to death, executed by firing squad. During the 1930s, many church members were killed or sent to labor camps. Between 1927 and 1940, the number of Orthodox churches in the Russian Republic fell from 29,584 to fewer than 500 by 1941 and of the nearly 1,200 Catholic churches that had existed in 1917, only two were still active.

The government then conducted a massive purge of Christian intellectuals, most of whom died in the camps or in prison and during the purges of 1937 and 1938, church documents record that 168,300 Russian Orthodox clergy were arrested. Of these, over 100,000 were shot. Many thousands of victims of persecution became recognized in a special canon of saints known as the “new martyrs and confessors of Russia.”

After the German invasion of the USSR in 1941, Stalin revived the Russian Orthodox Church to raise morale for the war effort. Consequently, by 1957, there were almost 22,000 Orthodox churches in the USSR. However, in 1959 Nikita Khrushchev initiated a new anti-religious campaign, which led to the closure of almost 12,000 churches. By 1985 only 7,000 churches remained active.

Between 1939 and 1945, an estimated 3,000 members, 18% of the Polish clergy, were murdered for their suspected ties to the Polish Resistance.

By the end of the Khrushchev era, 50,000 clergy were executed. In 1995, the Russian state commissioner confirmed that 200,000 Russian Orthodox Priests, monks, and nuns were killed. In 1997 the remains of a Catholic Bishop and 30 priests were found at Sandormoch, 150 miles north of St. Petersburg. According to Russian schoolbooks, 20 million Soviet and East European citizens died in Communist Labor camps, while 15 million more were killed in mass executions.

During the Spanish Civil War of 1936–1939 individual clergymen and entire Christian communities were executed by leftists, communists and anarchists including 13 bishops, 4,172 priests and seminarians, 2,364 monks and friars and 283 nuns, for a total of 6,832 clerical victims. Calles Law. At this time, some in the United States government, considering Calles’ regime Bolshevik, started to refer to Mexico as “Soviet Mexico” Plutarco Calles with Jacobins, supported by Calles’ central government, went beyond mere anti-clericalism and engaged in secular anti-religious campaigns to eradicate what they called “superstition” and “fanaticism”, which included the desecration of religious objects as well as the persecution and murder of the clergy.


This is where John goes beyond horses and Zechariah doesn’t, yet both compliment each other. In the Apocalypse, the first seals include four riders on four different colored horses. And since horses have always signified warfare, the other seals (5th, 6th, and 7th) have different characteristics yet Zechariah 6:6 continues with the “white horse”.
Ever notice that once we passed WWII that a sense of peace dominated the earth? The last two decades mark the slowest rate of warfare and civil unrest in the history of mankind.

And prophecy confirms. While an “earthquake” that splits the nations marks the sixth seal, the fifth seal is marked by a time of rest with all the martyrs from the last horsemen appealing to God:

“And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow servants also and their brethren that should be killed as they [were], should be fulfilled.

So why would God tell us about this seal when it has no horses, no judgments, no swords and no famines? Nothing here involves earth except one issue: “until their fellow servants [on earth] also and their brethren that should be killed as they [were], should be fulfilled” and until then, the instruction is “rest yet for a little season” and are given a white robe (rest, peace). But this is crucial since:

1—It tells us that the last batch of martyrs comes after the fifth seal. This would be the Sixth Seal and afterwards the saints are snatched up and what remains are the peoples set for “the wrath to come”.
2—It tells us that after WWII, the world was at temporary rest as the souls in heaven who suffered martyrdom inquire of God asking “how long?” This is a time of “rest yet for a little season …” since there is one final batch to follow. The Fifth Seal gives us a marker.

The saints are at rest from watching the persecution their brethren endured through massacres from the second to the fourth seal; massive and catastrophic wars and famines all the way to WWI and WWII. God simply tells them that there is one more batch to go in the era of the Sixth Seal during the reign of Antichrist and is when it all ends in the seventh seal. This seal initiates a message that at some point in time the testing will continue in the coming season and it will not cease until a specific number of martyrs is complete to gain all the names preserved in the Book of Life.

This is the danger zone when mankind slouches and claims “peace and safety” and that is when “sudden destruction comes”.
But Zechariah 6:6-8 tells us:

“As for the chariot in which were the black horses [famine and war] they went to the land of the north; and the white went out after them; and the piebald [black and white] went out to the land of the south. And the ash-colored went out, and looked to encompass the earth; and he said, Go, and compass the earth. And they compassed the earth. And he cried out and spoke to me, saying, Behold, these go out to the land of the north.”

If the ash-horse and the pale horse signify the same, this brings war and hunger to the entire region of the north, the wealthiest parts of earth and these will get plummeted:

“ … the Lord of hosts, send among his fat ones leanness; and under his glory he shall kindle a burning like the burning of a fire” (Isaiah 10:16)

The following Sixth Seal reveals that immediately after Communism’s immense persecution, the earth began to unravel just as predicted in the Six Seal, though few comprehend it:


“And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of the heavens fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree cast her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heavens departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.” (Revelation 6:12-14)

Note: this is repeated from previous lessons we repeat some so that you can see where and how it fits within the seven seals.

Today many who read this allegory strictly interpret in a literal sense. So as they read the word “earthquake”—that in their mind—it would simply constitute a local earthquake of magnitude 7-8 in Jerusalem. An allegoric earthquake metaphorically represents a much bigger picture: shaking the heavens and the earth out of its axis and even blocking off the sun. This is massive.

In Zechariah 14, Christ shakes the Mount of Olives splitting it east west and then moving one half southerly and the other northerly. So the novice sees a cataclysmic event concluding it being way into the future. So he monitors the cosmos or he reads the daily papers coincidentally running into some report about some asteroid coming closer towards planet earth and he panics sharing his finding in a Sunday School or comments on a blog to only find out later on that he was dead wrong.
What he does not realize is that the sun is already dimming alongside the mighty earthquake has already erupted and is splitting the very foundations from under his feet. The sun dimming is Christ’s light departing from the earth, for He (Christ) is the “Sun of justice”:

“But unto you who fear my name the Sun of justice shall arise” (Mal 4:2).

Who is this “Sun of justice”? Is this the literal sun?

“For the LORD God is a sun and shield; The LORD will give grace and glory;
No good thing will He withhold From those who walk uprightly.” (Psalm 84:11)

God here is “a sun” and “shield”. How is God a sun and shield?
He is metaphorically a sun because He gives light and He is metaphorically a shield because His light is His truth, which shields us from deception.

So without the sunlight of God, deception and a falling away permeates the earth. And this is exactly what we are already witnessing. Prophecy even gives us both, the allegory with its interpretation:

“For thus says the LORD of hosts: ‘Once more (it is a little while) I will shake heaven and earth, the sea and dry land; ‘and I will shake all nations, and they shall come to the Desire of All Nations, and I will fill this temple with glory,’ says the LORD of hosts.” (Haggai 2:6-7)

Here we have this earthquake “splitting,” “shaking” and “overthrowing the nations”: “I will shake the nations,” not the earth by literal earthquakes! Here is another example where he explains what it means by shaking the earth:

“I will shake heaven and earth. I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms; I will destroy the strength of the Gentile kingdoms. I will overthrow the chariots and those who ride in them” (Haggai 2:21-22)

“And upon the earth distress of nations, by reason of the confusion of the roaring of the sea and of the waves.” (Luke 21:25)

The sea here is not a literal sea and obviously this earthquake is “distress of nations” “by reason of confusion”.

Do you see the word “confusion”? This infects, as John in Revelation declared the “seas” which are the harlot nations:

“The waters which thou saw, where the harlot sit, are peoples and nations and tongues. (Revelation 17:15)

This city is the city of all people, all nations and all tongues that due to the confusion erupts into a global revolt “roaring of the sea”. The city of God is also universal, from many nations:

“After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages” (Revelation 7:9)

So depending on the context, some are literal and others are obviously allegoric and are already interpreted in the text. So we can imagine now what will the world be like once this light dims? In fact, you do not have to imagine, just look around and see how much darkness this earth is already in. The sun is already dimming. So we have a “shaking” and a dimming of the sun. The sun dimming is Christ’s light and as His light dims, His anger increase, which (as scripture describes) eventually comes with wrath. The Heaven also is slowly departing away from earth. This is always God’s reaction for a falling away:

“For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way.” (2 Thessalonians 2:7)

Therefore, the prophecies are clearly regarding the Holy Spirit’s slow departure from the earth. Revelation 7 is just prior from when the 7th seal is broken, so it is part of the sixth seal:

“After these things I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, on the sea, or on any tree.” (Revelation 7:1)

“The four winds” here is God’s breath. He is holding His Holy Spirit from the earth. For example: “Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live.” (Ezekiel 37:9) Here the Holy Spirit brings back the dead to life.

“And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” (John 20:22)

So it is in Revelation 7, the Holy Spirit ceases His blessings and the light of Christianity diminishes greatly. Whoever cares about wealth and earthly things at the beginning of the sixth seal, their financial portfolio is still intact since we have an era of false peace while the nations stockpile more destructive weapons than ever before.

Notice the chart of wars above: the last two decades is an era of peace. So in reality, what seem cataclysmic is said in allegory that though they have eyes they do not see. Most ignore, there are no cataclysmic events at the beginning of the sixth seal, for it is the era of magnificent deception that will succeed in duping even the very elect if it can.

Christ first shakes the east towards the south. Sure enough, shortly after, the Soviet Union dissolved in December 1991, resulting in eleven new countries splitting and by 1992, Yugoslavia had split into five successor states, namely Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Slovenia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which was later renamed Serbia and Montenegro. Serbia was then further split with the breakaway of the partially recognized state of Kosovo in 2008. Czechoslovakia dissolved splitting into the Czech Republic and Slovakia in 1992.

Also remember the recent Brexit.

These further splitting marks the sixth seal for the earth to continue to divide from north to south, east to west.
So how well prepared is the novice Christian of today? Many will fall while thinking they have light in their lamp. The world would seem normal to a people slowly being simmered in the pot.

The beginning of the unraveling of the 6th seal is peaceful. Ever wonder why Christ says that before His wrath comes, will be when people are still marrying and are given in marriage? The world is still splurging and spending via credit card and it is all hunky-dory. Had it been cataclysmic, who after all, would be marrying or have a baby shower during an astroidal shower?

Ever wonder why Lot’s daughters were about to get married in Sodom just before the fire and brimstone struck? The daughters were rescued while their husbands to be were scorched.

Similarly, the eagles will gather where the Body of Christ is at: the Eucharist.

Every verse and every word in prophecy is there for a reason and a good Locksmith gives all his soul and might in making the key fit. When the wrath hits, people are at ease and just when they say: “peace and safety, sudden destruction comes.” (1 Thessalonians 5:3)

And to prove our point, notice that during this, no harm is sent upon “the earth, and the sea, or the trees”:

“… Do not harm the earth, the sea, or the trees till we have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads.”(Revelation 7:3)

Therefore, the sun becoming black is Christ’s light blotted from the earth because faith diminished and “the heavens departed [upwards away from earth] as a scroll” is the era we are witnessing, the great falling away, which comes first, just before the man of sin is revealed.

We must not ignore the allegory—not that later on—atomic catastrophes, an asteroid, and locusts blot out the sun; but many miss that the main purpose of these prophecies require we use the other sense: God here is speaking in allegory.

So the summary of these prophecies tells us that there will be signs in the sun in the time of Antichrist; that is, there will be signs in Christ, and the precise sign is given by Saint Matthew saying: “The sun will not give its light.”

Christ withholds His light. He is the “Sun”.

But it is not as if there exists no light at the end of this darkened tunnel:

“And they that are learned shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that instruct many to justice, as stars for all eternity.” Daniel (12:3).

Christ promised: “the gates of hell shall not prevail against it [the church]”. In these times, knowledge is crucial, for “My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6) The absence of knowledge is the beginning of confusion.

God Himself defines this shaking right in the context of the prophecies; “shake the nations” “overthrow the throne of kingdoms.” This is a time where armchair revolutionaries will shake the norm and cause revolt by “confusion” and deception and is exactly what we see.

Today, choose your favorite politician, activist, talk-radio, be they conservative or liberal, and most likely he or she are deceiving (if they can), even the elect. No matter what symbols they carry, be it crusading paraphernalia or jargon about puritanical throwbacks, or their solution for the migrant issues, do not be deceived, they are simply setting a stage for Eugenics and the spirit of Antichrist. Allow us to explain:

In the case of the sixth seal, God gives us ample references that are specifically different and are unique from all historic earthquakes since the world has become more complex. This should allow us to explain more the details. For example, Zechariah 14 speaks of the splitting of the Mount of Olives:

“And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south.

And ye shall flee to the valley of the mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach unto Azal: yea, ye shall flee, like as ye fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah: and the LORD my God shall come, and all the saints with thee.”

This is the measuring of the Temple, the test to see who resides in the Altar and who resides in the outer court to be given over to the gentiles (pagans, see Revelation 11:1-2) By splitting His Mount of Olives, He is testing the church, beginning in the east.

Christ will sift Christendom dividing it “from east to west where east will join a southern league (which eventually refines) and the western part will join a northern league (Antichrist), while the remnant steadfast Christians will join no side; he runs in the deep crevice of the valley towards Azal, which is south. Azal was south of the Mount of Olives.

So the epicenter and the shockwave begins in the eastern church: the Middle East, the Balkans, the former Soviet countries, Africa, Eastern Europe, Asia Minor (Turkey), the Malabar coast of South India …

Just take India alone; Prime Minister Narendra Modi has won a landslide victory, keeping Modi in power. With nationalistic populism in India, one needs to take a glimpse into the rising persecution of the 65 million Christians in India from 1.3 billion frenzy Hindu nationalists. In 2018, more than 12,000 Christians were attacked and the number of churches attacked increased substantially from 34 last year to 98 this year.

But what do we find regarding this from the likes of Steve Bannon? He described to an audience in the Vatican that Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s victory as part of a positive “global revolt”:

“I think you’re going to see it in Latin America, I think you’re going to see it in Asia, I think you’ve already seen it in India, … Modi’s great victory was very much based on these Reaganesque principles, so I think this is a global revolt, and we are very fortunate and proud to be the news site that is reporting that throughout the world.”

Choose your favorite, whether Nigel Farrag or Boris Johnson or Bannon and without a doubt, they will lead you to an anti-Christ spirit. In the Middle East it is now virtually empty of Christians who fled to Europe, which will soon turn into pagan Egypt where even there, they will be persecuted. Prophecy reveals, that God will eventually rescue them from another “Egypt”. It will be a repeat similar of the story of Moses rescuing God’s people by parting the Red Sea where the faithful run into the crevice.
Azal is significant here. During this time, Christ allows the spirit of Antichrist to “divide the land for gain.” So it is “divide and conquer.” Dividing weakens the nations and is why Isaiah in chapter 14 says:

“How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations! (Isaiah 14:12)

This split is so well explained in prophecy. From the north comes destruction. Even the Antichrist rules the north:

“I [Lucifer, Antichrist] will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north” (Isaiah 14:13)

And if there remains any doubt, that this is Antichrist, in verse 16 it clarifies that this “Lucifer” is now a “man”:

“Is this the man who made the earth tremble, Who shook kingdoms.” (Isaiah 14:16)

Lucifer (fulfilling prophecy) splits the nations and even God accuses him: “you have divided up my land” (Joel 3:2) and “weakened the nations” (Isaiah 14:12).

Notice in Zechariah 14, Christ does not come when the earthquake hits but afterwards “and the LORD my God shall come” after they flee: “Ye shall flee to the valley” and then He comes with “all the saints,” that is the saints “with thee” is the joining of the saints from heaven with the persecuted saints on earth. This is the rescue mission to bring the faithful out of the paganized world. Again, we are to be in the “very great valley” away from the splits of the mountains (powers and factions).

How many even search the prophets who confirm this:

“How beautiful upon the mountains Are the feet of him who brings good news…” (Isaiah 52:7)

The faithful yearn for His coming. His feet touching the mountain are to carry out His purpose, to eventually sift and test His church through the fire of persecution by the Antichrist. The northern split will produce the Antichrist. While Jeremiah’s prophetic oracles during King Josiah and his successors (c.628–586 B.C.) was regarding Israel’s split between north (Israel) and south (Judah) it mimics the split within Christendom at the Sixth Seal (remember history repeats).

His message indicts his contemporaries for religious apostasy. And while we have Ezekiel prophesying of a “Gog of the land of Magog” “from the north quarters” it is similar of Jeremiah’s prophecy regarding a northern threat: “Out of the north calamity shall break forth” (see Jeremiah 1:13-16) And we find this theme elsewhere:

“Thus saith the LORD, Behold, a people cometh from the north country, and a great nation shall be raised from the sides of the earth.”

“Sides of the earth” would be east and west, perhaps a coalition of Turks, northern Europeans with Japan. This is similar to previous world wars. The northern army of Antichrist is where evil comes to eventually drown in the Mediterranean Sea and in the saltiest lake on earth, near Jericho, the Dead Sea:

“I will drive the northern horde far from you, pushing it into a parched and barren land; its eastern ranks will drown in the Dead Sea and its western ranks in the Mediterranean Sea. And its stench will go up; its smell will rise.”

Antichrist’s “angry countenance” comes from the north:

“The north wind brings forth rain, And a backbiting tongue an angry countenance.” (Proverbs 25:23)

The north being the enemy becomes clear once we read Zechariah where Christ will come “with the whirlwinds of the south” (Zechariah 9:13) and where in Joel God says that He will remove “the northern army” (Joel 2:20). So if Christ comes from the south for battle, where is He heading? North.

But to the meek and humble, we find other references to an earthquake in Revelation 8:5 and Revelation 11:19 when “the temple of God was opened in heaven, and the ark of His covenant was seen in His temple” and Revelation 16:17-19. The Ark helps the Christians to escape into that valley towards Azal where they are fed in the wilderness.

In order that the world has civil unrest where “they will kill one another,” captain chaos must unleash demographic earthquakes to consume the earth where states, nations and even united countries will split between northern and southern boundaries. The prophecies speak of this earthquake shifting “mountains” (empires splitting and dividing north from south) and even shaking “islands” (think of Britain splitting between Scotland in the north and England in the south).

How many even consider what has already split right after the fourth seal! The Soviet Union dissolved in December 1991, resulting in eleven new countries splitting: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan while in the Baltic states we have Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania split in September 1991.
Albania and Yugoslavia also split. By 1992, Yugoslavia had split into five successor states, namely Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Slovenia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which was later renamed Serbia and Montenegro in 2003 and eventually split in 2006 into two states, Serbia and Montenegro. Serbia was then further split with the breakaway of the partially recognized state of Kosovo in 2008.

Czechoslovakia dissolved splitting into the Czech Republic and Slovakia in 1992.

The earthquake is shaking everything. Simultaneously, we will see the formation of the northern league. God warns continually of “the army of the north” “northern army” and “Gog and Magog” and with the split from Russia by the Muslim Southern Russian states to becoming the northern neo-Ottoman states arising from the “north quarters”.

And where will Syria, Iraq and Libya go after the Arab Spring? And where will northern Iraq (Karkuk, where the oil reserves are) go after the West created the mess there? In Arabia we have Saudi Arabia (north) versus Yemen (south).

Then we have the Israeli state (north) versus the Palestinian state (south). The Middle East is already set to unravel.
The fulfillment is already in motion, now in the West, when we already see England splitting from the EU giving Germany the lead to control the northern league.

Even within Great Britain there is a left-leaning North and the right-leaning South. Edinburgh (north) is the second largest financial centre in the UK after the City of London ranks ahead of Qatar, Oslo, Glasgow, Dublin, Abu Dhabi, Brussels, Milan, Madrid and Moscow in the Global Financial Centres Index.

In Italy a struggle stems from the populist, anti-immigrant Lega-Nord (north league) opposing subsidies to the less prosperous south under the slogan “Roma ladrona” (Rome Big Thief).

In Spain, another struggle is stemming from Catalonia (north). In Spain we also have the rise of Vox (Spanish ultra nationalism).

Then we have the most major; Europe’s North-South divides over Eurozone issues and east west over the migration crisis.

These days we have parties advocating the creation of new, small states in Spain, Belgium, Italy, Scotland and elsewhere in Europe. Belgium has the Dutch-speaking north wanting to split from the poorer south of the country.

In general, the north south paradigm is true where south bodes better spiritually (or lets say less worse). It is a general rule.

For example: Northern Nigeria is full of crime with Boko Haram while south Nigeria is better. Hong Kong is in the southern tip of China and is better than the north of China. North Korea has way more serious problems than South Korea. In the U.S., the south is way more conservative. Southern Europe is the biblical “ships of Chittim” (Daniel 11:30) that fight against the Antichrist and is less liberal and is more conservative than northern Europe where we see the rise of neo-paganism, racialism and the alt-right.

It is easy then to conclude why Apocalypse’s sixth seal continues into: 1—chapter 7: the salvation of only a small remnant in Israel (in the end), and 2—chapter 8: that “a star” Antichrist persuades his acolytes to destroy a third of mankind, 3—chapter 9, further dimming of the sun where the masses appoint the Antichrist.

He then conquers Egypt (persecuting the Copts), and then moves into Libya, Sudan and Ethiopia. Only a remnant Christians remain awaiting aid from the Ark of God revealed from heaven (Revelation 11-12)

The dimming of the sun is in many prophecies. For example, we get a clue from Isaiah 13 (the destruction of Arabia) is likely to also commence during the sixth seal since it has the sun dimming:

“For behold, the incurable day of the Lord comes, a day of wrath and anger, to make the whole world desolate and to destroy the sinners from it. For the stars of heaven and Orion and all the ornament of heaven will not give light, and it will be dark when the sun rises, and the moon will not give its light. And I will command evils for the whole world, and for the impious, their own sins;” (Isaiah 13:9-11)

This dimming of the sun in Isaiah 13 includes Isaiah 21 and Isaiah 34 which in context, is the destruction coming upon Arabia.

Even the mention of “Arabia” throughout Isaiah’s prophecies must consider the allegory of Galatians 4 which sums up all spiritual warfare between two entities: Heavenly Jerusalem and Arabia which puts all who are in bondage under one city. If this is the case, then we are speaking of a global Arabia just as it is a global Sodom and a global Egypt.

But we must also not ignore this (mother of harlots), must be the most ancient of them all. Arabia and Egypt are the oldest. In addition, the mention of Arabia (Islam’s spiritual headquarters) might include Revelation 8 and 9 as the invasion from the Muslim league (by then a third of mankind) coming through the Euphrates. The east gets destroyed first. What are left becomes obvious: they are the syncretistic, the neo-pagans, and the sexually immoral (homosexuals) that permeate mostly in the north and the west. This becomes obvious.

The wrath only comes at some point in time after Antichrist sits in the temple declaring he is God and is the time when all must flee. The second half of the sixth seal begins with the wrath upon the cursed:

And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sit on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?” (Revelation 6:15-16)

One thinks that such outcry: “hide us from the face of him … from the wrath of the Lamb …” that they would simply repent? No:

“But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, silver, brass, stone, and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk. And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts.” (Revelation 9:20-21)

“And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God who has power over these plagues; and they did not repent and give Him glory. Then the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom became full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues because of the pain. They blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and did not repent of their deeds.” (Revelation 16:9-11)

“And great hail, like a talent, came down from heaven upon men: and men blasphemed God for the plague of the hail: because it was exceeding great.” (Revelation 16:21)

Today’s generation argues that force is never an option and that “love conquers all”. The previous generation that had to face the likes of Nazis would answer with “sure, but love is also to subdue the enemies of humanity.”

At times neither love or stick or even the scorching oven works. God tells homosexual Israel: “Why should you be stricken again? You will revolt more and more” (Isaiah 1:5) which means that it is time for annihilations. There are times when God resorts to pouring out His wrath and the earth is still stubborn. How many of Israel ended up flocking to God after the Holocaust? Even after God sent them back to their homeland, how many did repent? Even holocaust survivors are ardent Gnostics. The most prevalent argument I heard from Jews is that if God existed or even cared, why did He let the Holocaust happen?

To this I counter, if Jews cared so much about preventing a Holocaust why (unlike the German 1 out of 10) did 3 out of 10 Jews join the Wehrmacht? The same was with Fascism in Italy; Jews flocked to join. Today the Jew points fingers at the Polish and Pope Pius XII while he forgets to look at the mirror: he is the first to embrace the very ideologies that cooked his grandparents and sacrificed them in the ovens of Molech (Leviticus 18:21).

Is what I said here so far anti-Semitic? Is Isaiah anti-Semitic? Isaiah 9 confirms this:

For the people do not turn to Him who strikes them, Nor do they seek the LORD of hosts. Therefore the LORD will cut off head and tail from Israel, Palm branch and bulrush in one day. The elder and honorable, he is the head; The prophet who teaches lies, he is the tail. For the leaders of this people cause them to err, And those who are led by them are destroyed. Therefore the Lord will have no joy in their young men, Nor have mercy on their fatherless and widows; For everyone is a hypocrite and an evildoer, And every mouth speaks folly. For all this His anger is not turned away, But His hand is stretched out still. For wickedness burns as the fire; It shall devour the briers and thorns, And kindle in the thickets of the forest; They shall mount up like rising smoke. Through the wrath of the LORD of hosts. The land is burned up, And the people shall be as fuel for the fire; No man shall spare his brother. And he shall snatch on the right hand And be hungry; He shall devour on the left hand And not be satisfied; Every man shall eat the flesh of his own arm. Manasseh shall devour Ephraim, and Ephraim Manasseh; Together they shall be against Judah. For all this His anger is not turned away, But His hand is stretched out still …

Israel will first go through wrath (Isaiah 9) and then redemption (Isaiah 10) when the Assyrian (Antichrist) is destroyed:

And it shall come to pass in that day That the remnant of Israel, And such as have escaped of the house of Jacob, Will never again depend on him who defeated them, But will depend on the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, in truth. The remnant will return, the remnant of Jacob, To the Mighty God. For though your people, O Israel, be as the sand of the sea,
A remnant of them will return; The destruction decreed shall overflow with righteousness.

So the sixth seal is likely to be our era. These events will include: 1—The continuing falling away and the diminishing the light of God 2—the splitting of nations and continents (symbolized by an earthquake) 3—God’s wrath is poured out on Arabia in a Persian vs. Arab conflict (which we already see brewing). 4—Mass exodus of foreigners out of mystery Babylon 5—Antichrist is unleashed to enforce his mark on mankind.

These would be from Israel broken down to the twelve tribes. At this point the wrath has not been poured out yet. Between the 6th and 7th seal, comes chapter 7 speaks of the 144,000 from the tribes of Israel (the Jews) join the Israel of God and are converted:

“Do not harm the earth, the sea, or the trees till we have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads. And I heard the number of those who were sealed. One hundred and forty-four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel were sealed.”

Then comes the last SEVENTH SEAL (the pouring of the seven vials). This is when it is about to be completed. This is the “it is finished” moment and the saints prayers for God’s vengeance are finally answered and they will finally rest and prepare to descend with Christ to amass judgment at Armageddon where the nations are all gathered:

“And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets. And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer [it] with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense, [which came] with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel’s hand. And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast [it] into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake. And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound.” (Revelation 16:1)

“1 And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.”

This is the cleansing process. No one can describe it. Await a lightening, to come out of the EAST: “For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” (Matthew 24:27)

Notes: Selim I (1512-20) renewed the expansion of Turkish frontiers. After conquering Syria and Palestine, he subdued Egypt in 1517 and put an end to the last representative of the ancient Saracenic caliphate. The fall of Egypt did stir Pope Leo X and the Fifth Lateran Council to issue a call for a new crusade. Emperor Maximilian pledged support, but the Lutheran revolt commencing later in the same year put a restraint upon any immediate large-scale Christian offensive.
Suleiman the Magnificent (1520-66), Selim’s son and successor, saw the Ottoman power reach its zenith. He quickly became as great a threat to Christendom as Mohammed II. For Suleiman now moved into the Balkans and commenced the conquest of Hungary.
Mohammed Sokolli (1560-79). An expedition that had already been under preparation in Suleiman’s day, the capture of Cyprus, was carried out successfully in 1570. The Mediterranean peril thus became the most serious in years.
Lepanto. This emergency had been foreseen by Pope St. Pius V who had preached a new crusade. Preparations were too slow for the relief of Cyprus, but much credit nonetheless goes to King Philip II of Spain who shouldered the lion’s share of the financing of the Christian flotilla. An allied fleet of 208 galleys was finally brought together under the titular command and inspiration of the king’s brother, Don Juan, but the real technical direction lay with Admiral Marcantonio Colonna. With papal blessing this fleet set out to meet the Turkish galleys of Ali Pasha. At Lepanto, off Corfu, the Christians encountered Ali Pasha’s 230 vessels on October 7, 1571. In a spirited encounter the crusaders sank eighty ships and captured 130. St. Pius, apparently miraculously informed of this triumph, ejaculated: “There was a man sent from God whose name was John.” But the feast of the Holy Rosary, assigned to this day, commemorates the real patroness of victory, for nothing short of her intervention could have saved a divided Christendom which could or would do little to save itself.

Second Twentieth Century Atlas – Death Tolls March 4, 2016.

Alexander N. Yakovlev (2002). A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia. Yale University Press. p. 165.


Jesus Christ is King

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