Jesus' Coming Back

CNN’s Angela Rye to Black Trump Supporters: ‘Shame On You’

Network political commentator Angela Rye said Wednesday on CNN’s “Tonight,” that African-American supporters of President Donald Trump should be ashamed.

When asked about the Trump campaign’s outreach to Black voters, Tara Setmayer said, “Well, I think it’s smart of them to do this. They think — it’s true, he only needs a couple of percentage points. He over-performed last time with black voters that people didn’t see coming. He had better numbers than McCain did or Romney. It’s a smart play for them politically. They have the money to do it. How much impact it actually has remains to be seen. You know, how you do this, the way you message things makes a huge difference. The president does have criminal justice reform, at least as something tangible that he can go into these communities with. But that’s about it. Although the black unemployment, which we hear constantly over and over again, but I don’t know that Black America’s looking at this saying, ‘yeah, we want four more years of this guy’ when all the other transgressions, racial transgressions that come out of his mouth and this White House are just too much.”

Rye said, “I think Donald Trump does not have a strong record to stand on as it relates to black unemployment. He has Barack Obama’s record to stand on with that, and I think that at some point, black folks have got to look themselves in the mirror and say, hey, do I want to follow Mark Burns? Do I want to follow Katrina Pierson? Do I want to follow Diamond and Silk? Who the hell are these people, right?”

She added, “Instead, you want to give Donald Trump kudos for throwing Cheez-It bits at you and then criticize the people who have spent their careers doing things for the betterment of black people and black society. And I would just say at that point, if you still go over to Donald Trump after that, shame on you. Period.”

(h/t RCP Video)

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