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***Live Updates*** Trump Holds South Carolina Rally

President Donald Trump will hold a Friday evening rally in South Carolina.

Stay tuned to Breitbart News for live updates. All times eastern.

8:09 PM: Trump says he has deported a record number of gang members. He says his administration will be building more than a mile a day of the border wall.

8:06 PM: Trump says Democrats support “deadly sanctuary cities” that release violent criminal aliens after saying he does not want illegal aliens “trespassing” across the border. Trump mocking “catch and release” policies and says illegal immigrants who actually report back in four years to court are the “dumbest.”

8:05 PM: Trump says Democrats oppose detention of illegal aliens and want “unfettered catch and release.” He now whines about never winning with Obama-appointed judges.

8:02 PM: Trump says Never Trumpers are a “dying breed” and “are on respirator.” He says they need mouth-to-mouth resuscitation but he isn’t doing it. Trump says he couldn’t get the wall built faster because of Democrats, Never Trumpers, and the Deep State.

8:00 PM: Trump says every Democrat running for president supports free federal welfare for illegal aliens and want to treat them “better than they want to treat our military and our veterans.” Trump says illegal immigrants drain our treasury and threaten lives.

7:59 PM: Trump says he doesn’t want to be the president of the world… he is the president of the United States of America. He says the USMCA is a giant victory for South Carolina.

7:58 PM: Trump vows to compete everywhere and calls his shot… says he plans to win “historic share” of African American vote.

7:51 PM: Trump says when his friends ask how he can speak in front of tens of thousands of people, he says it’s easy to do because there is so much love in the room. He now asks Gov. Henry McMaster to come up to the stage and name-checks other South Carolina Republicans.

7:48 PM: Graham welcomes Trump to South Carolina and says he is going to win because he’s been a “damn good president.” He thanks him for the judges and for “rebuilding the military and killing the terrorists” in addition to the strongest economy in his lifetime. He thanks Trump for putting up with the “never-ending bullshit you have to go through.”

7:46 PM: Trump calls up Sens. Scott and Graham to huge applause. He says Scott’s mom is in the audience and calls him a “superstar” after thanking Graham for all the work he has done for Trump’s judges.

7:43 PM: Trump whines about mainstream media outlets writing about a “smattering of applause” at his rallies. He says after going to a 120,000+-seat stadium in India, he may never be enthused by the size of his crowds.

7:41 PM: Trump now talking about Mini Mike’s plan to “take away your guns” and Elizabeth’s plan to get rid of borders. He says voters are joining the Republican Party because of these crazy ideas.

7:38 PM: Trump says it’s time for “Mini Mike” to “go home.” “Go home, Mike,” Trump says.

7:36 PM: Trump, after saying there are so many “booby traps” to get Republicans, encourages the crowd to vote for the Democrat who will be the weakest against him in the general. Crowd mixed on whether “Crazy Bernie” will be easier to be than “Sleepy Joe.” He polls the crowd a second time and they think “Crazy Bernie” will be easier to beat. Now he’s mocking Pocahontas for choking after Trump called out her fake Native American ancestry. Trump claims he is not a “choker.”

7:35 PM: Trump says “Mini Mike” wishes he never started his campaign because “unfortunately it’s not working out well.” Trump calls his first performance the worst in history. He says “Mini Mike” turned out to be a “total catastrophe.” Trump says Steyer is “not that wealthy” but “spends all that money.”

7:33 PM: Trump now talking about killing al-Baghdadi and Soleimani as the crowd chants “USA!” He says as they keep winning, Washington Democrats like “Nervous Nancy” and “Cryin’ Chuck” are “losing their minds.” He calls them a “bunch of losers.” Trump is now mocking “Mr. Impeachment” Tom Steyer who spent millions and millions in Iowa and didn’t even get one percent.

7:30 PM: Trump now mocking Biden for not knowing where he is during his campaign appearances. He says “it would be the end of the road” if he did it once. He says they love to say “Trump has lost it.” He mocks Biden for all of his mistakes and says he couldn’t get away with a “fraction” of Biden’s gaffes/mistakes.

Now back to the lowest unemployment rate in South Carolina’s history.

7:26 PM: Trump says he is doing well at the polls despite the “worst presidential harassment in history.” He now talks about young African-American leaders meeting with him at the White House. He says they all would prefer to be called “black Americans” instead of “African Americans.” He’s now joking about 25-year term limits.

7:35 PM: Trump says the Democrats’ open-borders policies threaten the health and well-being of all Americans.

7:23 PM: Trump says he created a White House virus task force. He says it is a “big thing.” He says he wanted $2.5 million but Democrats wanted $8.5 million. Trump says we must understand that “border security is also health security.” He says the wall has “gone up like magic.”

7:22 PM: Trump, having some problems pronouncing words tonight, says the Democrats’ single talking point is that it’s Trump’s fault even though he bought America critical time with his travel restrictions that Democrats criticized.

7:21 PM: Trump says the US is prepared for the worst but hopefully it will amount to very little. Trump says he ordered the suspension of foreign nationals who have recently been in China from entering the United States.

7:16 PM: Trump says he just learned that around 35,000 people a year die from the flu. He again says he had no clue about that number. He says the US has lost “nobody” yet to coronavirus but it doesn’t mean we won’t. He says the press is in “hysteria mode.” Trump says Democrats are “willing to hurt the country” to take down Trump.

7:15 PM: Trump says Democrats have “politicized the coronavirus.” He says “they have no clue” because “they can’t count their votes in Iowa.”

7:10 PM: Trump starts the rally by saying: “All I can say is that the fake news just doesn’t get it!” He says the fake news media still don’t get it. Trump talking about being the midst of the “great American comeback.” He says jobs are booming, incomes are souring, factories are returning, poverty is plummeting, confidence is souring, and the military is being rebuilt. He says the radical left Democrats in DC are “trying to burn it all down.” Trump says they have spent the last three years to “erase your ballots and overthrow our democracy.” Trump says they have exposed the far-left’s corruption and exposed their sinister schemes. He says let’s see what comes in the next couple of months.

7:07 PM: Trump now taking the stage to get the rally started.

7:03 PM: Loud cheers for Sens. Graham/Scott as they go to the front of the packed arena.

6:45 PM: Massive/raucous crowd awaits Trump in South Carolina. One of Sen. Lindsey Graham’s top aides reportedly refers to the Palmetto State as “Trumpistan.”

If Trump really fears facing Biden in the general election, wouldn’t he be building up Steyer?


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