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Amazon Employee In Seattle Office Tests Positive For COVID-19 Coronavirus

Amazon is a major company worth billions of dollars, but even she is not being spared the COVID-19 coronavirus, which was just found to have infected an employee in one of her Seattle offices in a report from CNBC.

Amazon on Tuesday said an employee who works in one of its Seattle, Washington, offices tested positive for the coronavirus.

″We’re supporting the affected employee who is in quarantine,” the company told CNBC. “The employee is based out of Amazon’s Brazil office building in Seattle, WA.”

The office is in downtown Seattle on 9th Avenue, according to a search on Google Maps. It is not Amazon’s headquarters office, which is located on 7th Avenue.

Amazon notified employees of the update in a memo, saying, “The employee went home feeling unwell on Tuesday, February 25 and has not entered Amazon offices since that time.” (source)

It will be interesting to see if this virus is found in Amazon facilities, as this would have very detrimental effects for her stock out of people being afraid they could catch it from a package.

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