Jesus' Coming Back

President Trump says he’ll begin withholding federal aid from sanctuary cities after favorable court ruling

President Trump said Thursday that his administration will begin withholding millions of dollars from sanctuary cities, citing a federal appeals court ruling last week that supported his policy.

“As per recent Federal Court ruling, the Federal Government will be withholding funds from Sanctuary Cities. They should change their status and go non-Sanctuary. Do not protect criminals!” Mr. Trump tweeted.

A three-judge panel of the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan ruled unanimously last week that the federal government has the discretion to impose conditions when distributing grant money.

The judges noted that the Supreme Court has consistently upheld the federal government’s authority over states on immigration policy.

Three other federal appeals courts have ruled against the administration on the issue. Such a split among appellate courts increases the likelihood of the Supreme Court taking up the matter.

Read the rest of the story HERE.

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