Jesus' Coming Back

What could go wrong? Lindsey Graham leading group called to WH — to talk about AMNESTY

Republican voters chose Donald Trump as their nominee, partly inspired by his famous “escalator speech” at Trump Tower decrying how the American people always come last in immigration, as illegal aliens take advantage of us. They voted to reject Lindsey Graham’s view, a view that would tell “bigots” like Trump to “shut up,” in the words of the South Carolina senator.

Fox News reported today that Lindsey Graham led a group of senators from both parties to meet with the president on how to respond to a potential court ruling validating Trump’s elimination of Obama’s illegal executive amnesty. The story comes on the heels of the news that Graham is working with others in the administration to push for a mass amnesty bill.

There are so many grievances the American taxpayer have with illegal immigration that require immediate action. Where is the sense of urgency to meet on an immediate sanctuary fix, criminal alien fix, or judicial amnesty fix? Courts are ordering the opening of our borders during a time of pandemic, yet there is no impetus from these senators to deal with the issue. Why are the American needs on the issue always last or relegated to vacuous campaign rally rhetoric, while the amnesty for illegal aliens is always the first and only focus in the real legislation they plan to enact?

Why is there no emergency to deal with all of the identity theft committed by DACA recipients and all of the gang members and drug traffickers among them? Remember, it’s not usually the older illegal aliens committing all the crime. As with any demographic, it’s the younger ones.

After repeating this mistake over and over again, shouldn’t we finally put enforcement of current laws before any amnesty this time? Isn’t that a baseline expectation we should be guaranteed during the Trump presidency?

The courts have destroyed so much of our rule of law, society, and policies we’ve fought hard for. Why is it that the only time there is a clamor for a legislative “fix” of a judicial decision is when the court actually rules properly and in our favor? What about an Obergefell fix? A Roe fix? Or a fix of any number of court rulings that are ensuring more illegal aliens come here, remain here, commit crimes with impunity, and collect benefits?

Why would someone like Lindsey Graham be the leader on this issue when voters picked Trump precisely to reject people like him and what he stands for? Why does it seem that, in Orwellian fashion, at every turn, we see the swampiest parts of the swamp propped up in the White House that was supposed to drain it?

Read the reest of the story HERE.

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