Jesus' Coming Back

Italian Army Chief-Of-Staff Contracts COVID-19 Coronavirus

The spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus is affecting people of all walks of life and positions, as disease knows no boundaries or titles. Italy has seen a tremendous spread of the sickness, and now it has reached the highest echelons of the Italian military as the Italian Army Chief-Of-Staff has been diagnosed with the virus.

The Army Chief of Staff, General Salvatore Farina, tested positive for coronavirus. It is he himself who makes it known. “Today I underwent the Coronavirus test, proving positive – he explains – I’m fine, I am in isolation in my accommodation, in compliance with the directives issued by the government authorities and with the health protocols envisaged; on the basis of which we are proceeding to verify the contacts we had in the last few days. I will continue to perform my duties and will be replaced by General Bonato for the activities I cannot take part in. I extend a warm greeting and heartfelt thanks to the women and men of the Army who work to deal with this emergency in the operational, logistics and healthcare sectors “. (source)

It will be interesting to see if this disease infects people in other positions of power around the world and what the response will be from other governments.

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