Jesus' Coming Back

Actress Busy Philipps Goes Ballistic in Shouting Her Abortion: ‘I Have All of This’ Because of Abortion

WASHINGTON — Actress Busy Philipps angrily shouted into the microphone as she spoke at a abortion “rights” rally in front of the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday, telling those gathered that her career, material wealth and family were made possible because she had an abortion at 15.

Two clips of Philipps’ rant at a Center for Reproductive Rights rally are making the rounds online, which show an irate Philipps proudly declaring her abortion and vowing to continue to do so.

“There I was sitting in Los Angeles in my beautiful office of my own late-night talk show,” she fumed. “Soon I would be driving my hybrid to my beautiful [expletive] home to kiss my beautiful and healthy children and my husband, who had taken the year off to parent so I could focus on my career.”

“And I have all of this — all of it,” Philipps screamed, “because, because, because I was allowed bodily autonomy at 15!”

“I will not be shamed into being quiet. We will not be shamed into being quiet. Never again!” she continued to cheers. “I will never stop talking about my abortion or my periods or my experiences in childbirth, my episiotomies, my yeast infections, or my ovulation that lines up with the moon.”

The actress, known for her roles in “Dawson’s Creek,” “Freaks and Geeks” and “ER,” was speaking as oral argument was underway inside the Supreme Court surrounding the case of June Medical Services v. Russo. The appeal centers on a Louisiana law requiring abortionists to obtain admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles, so that a mother can be transferred for medical care if she is injured or suffers complications while her child is being murdered in the womb.

As abortionists believe they will have difficulty finding hospitals willing to enter into the relationship, the law has been seen by some as essentially shutting down almost all abortion facilities in the state. Both pro-life and abortion “rights” advocates descended on the nation’s high court on Wednesday to speak out on the issue of abortion.

Philipps also spoke about her abortion before the House Judiciary Committee last year, telling lawmakers, “I’m here today because I stand by my decision that I made when I was 15 years old. I am here today to destigmatize a legitimate medical procedure and continue to encourage women not to allow themselves to be shamed for their choices.”

“I am a human being that deserves autonomy in a country that calls itself free,” she stated. “And choices that a human being makes about their own bodies should not be legislated by strangers who can’t possibly know or understand each individual’s circumstances or beliefs.”

As previously reported, a number of abortion “rights” supporters have made brazen and unrepentant proclamations in recent years surrounding their abortion, and continue to collect and share stories from other unrepentant women.

In 2018, Amelia Bonow, the founder of the “Shout Your Abortion” movement, released a book featuring stories from women who were “not sorry” for their abortion.

“One in four of us have had lives that were determined in monumental ways by our abortions, and the vast majority of us do not regret our decisions,” it states.

Bonow also wrote an article in 2015, published by Salon, entitled “My Abortion Made Me Happy: The Story That Started the #shoutyourabortion Movement.” The piece, which used profanity and crude language, expressed no remorse for the ending of her unborn child’s life after finding herself pregnant out of wedlock, but rather only bold-faced pride.

“I’m telling you my story plainly, proudly, flippantly even, because we have all been brainwashed to believe that the absence of negative emotions around having an abortion is the mark of an emotionally bankrupt person. It’s not,” she wrote. “I have a good heart and my abortion made me happy.”

In 2017, actress Martha Plimpton appeared at a “Shout Your Abortion” event in Seattle, telling the audience — when then broke into cheers and applause — that the city has “particular significance” for her as “I … had my first abortion at the Seattle Planned Parenthood. Yay!”

“Notice I said ‘first.’… I don’t want you guys to feel insecure; it was my best one,” she said, evoking laughter. “Heads and tails above the rest. If I could Yelp review it, I totally would. And if that doctor’s here tonight, I don’t remember you at all; I was 19. I was 19, but I thank you nonetheless.”

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In an effort to put faces to women who have had an abortion and aren’t sorry for it, last January, Planned Parenthood of the Heartland launched a #sayabortion campaign that included billboards displayed in Ames, Cedar Falls, Cedar Rapids, Council Bluffs and Iowa City, Iowa.

“I had an abortion, and I am not ashamed,” “I had an abortion, and I am not apologizing for it” and “I had an abortion, and it was just health care” the signs read.

In December, comedienne Michelle Wolf again refused to show remorse for her abortion, but stated during a Netflix comedy special that ending her unborn child’s life made her feel “powerful,” and “like God.”

“You know how my abortion made me feel? Very powerful,” she said. “You know how people say you can’t play God?”

“I walked out of there being like, ‘Move over Morgan Freeman, I am God!’” as a reference to the film “Bruce Almighty.”

“[Many pro-life groups] are against the criminalization of murder by abortion because they are against the prosecution of women for committing such a heinous act,” Danny Steinmeyer of Meridian First Baptist Church in Idaho lamented in January in a message entitled “You Shall Not Murder.” “Listen, friends. This is tough to hear. But the vast majority of women getting abortions are not victims.”

Jeremiah 8:12 sorrows, “Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? Nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush.”

Jeremiah 17:9 also teaches that such is human nature without Christ, as “[t]he heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked; who can know it?”

Revelation 9:21 says that in the last days, “Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.”

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