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Lawmakers Self-Quarantine After Exposure to Coronavirus

Reps. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Louie Gohmert (R-TX), and Julia Brownley (D-CA) announced on Monday that they have been exposed to coronavirus.

Reps. Gaetz and Gohmert said that they had been exposed to coronavirus after they attended CPAC two weeks ago. Gohmert said in a statement Monday:

Saturday night, I got a call from the House physician advising that I had been possibly been exposed to the COVID-19 virus at CPAC on February 27th, and that a top CDC physician in Atlanta would call me to discuss what should be done going forward…I was and am asymptomatic.

The Texas congressman announced that he had been cleared to return to Washington, DC.

Gaetz also stated he has decided to go into quarantine after he flew on Air Force One with President Donald Trump.

Gaetz’s office said in a statement:

While the Congressman is not experiencing symptoms, he received testing today and expects results soon. Under doctor’s usual precautionary recommendations, he’ll remain self-quarantined until the 14-day period expires this week.

Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) also announced that he had come into contact with coronavirus at CPAC two weeks ago. He said:

This afternoon, I was notified by CPAC that they discovered a photo of myself and the patient who has tested positive for coronavirus. While I feel completely healthy and I am not experiencing any symptoms, I have decided to self-quarantine out of an abundance of caution. I will follow the recommendations of the House Physician and my office will provide updates as appropriate.

Rep. Julia Brownley (D-CA) said in a statement that she will self-quarantine after coming in contact with someone who had tested positive for coronavirus. She said:

Yesterday, I was informed that an individual I met with last week in DC tested positive for COVID-19. I am told that individual is self-quarantining and has informed local public health officials.“I consulted with the Office of Attending Physician, the CDC, Ventura County Public Health, and a personal physician experienced in infectious diseases, all of whom said that the risk of exposure to me and my staff is considered very low. However, given the significant number of constituents and other individuals that my staff and I normally have contact with each day when Congress is in session, I have decided to close our DC office for the week. My staff and I are working remotely to continue to serve the residents of Ventura County, and my district offices in Thousand Oaks and Oxnard remain open.

“Out of an abundance of absolute caution, my DC staff and I are self-monitoring and maintaining social distancing practices. Neither I, nor my staff, are experiencing any symptoms at this time,” she said.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) announced on Sunday that they will also self-quarantine after being exposed to the CPAC attendee two weeks ago.

Sean Moran is a congressional reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.


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