Jesus' Coming Back

Wall Street Panic As DOW Crashes 700 Points On Monday Morning

Some people may say “happy Monday”, but for Wall Street traders it was anything but happy after the DOW Jones crashed 700 point following market panic induced by dropping oil prices amid the COVID-19 spread according to CNBC.

Stocks tumbled on Monday as investors braced for the economic fallout from the spreading coronavirus, while a shocking all-out oil price war added to the anxiety.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average tanked 1,781 points, while the S&P 500 plunged 6.6% in morning trading. The massive sell-off triggered a key market circuit breaker minutes into the opening bell. Trading was halted for 15 minutes until reopening at 9:49 a.m. ET. (source)

This is not a surprise. Oil prices are not declining by accident, but on purpose because more oil is being produced by ARAMCO, and as the Americans veritably control ARAMCO (lest the Saudis have a “revolution”), this is nothing less than price and market manipulation for political purposes.

Buckle up and hold on for the ride.

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