Jesus' Coming Back

After Telling Pro-Gun Voter ‘You’re Full of S***,’ Biden Then Talks About Taking ‘the AR-14s Away’

Arrogance and ignorance are rarely a good combination.

Arrogance from a man supposedly seeking votes from the American people is unforgivable.

But that’s the combination former Vice President Joe Biden put on full display during a campaign stop Tuesday in the battleground state of Michigan.

First, he told a potential voter — a Second Amendment supporter — that the voter was “full of s—.” Then he got the name of one of the country’s most popular firearms wrong. And for good measure, he suggested he’d slap the man’s face.

All in all, not a sterling moment for a man trying to win over the part of America that liberals call “flyover country.”

According to CBS News, the confrontation took place at a Detroit factory under construction, where Biden decided to go toe-to-toe with a man in a hardhat and a high-visibility vest.

Check it out here. It did not go well for Uncle Joe.

The following video contains vulgar language that some viewers may find offensive. Viewer discretion is advised. —>

Read the rest of the story HERE and follow links below to related stories:

Joe Biden Loses It Over Guns, Warns Worker He Will ‘Go Outside’

Joe Biden Argues with Construction Workers over Guns: ‘You’re Full of Sh*t!’

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