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Biden’s Felon-Only Deportation Plan Will Cause Border Rush, Says BP Union VP

National Border Patrol Council Vice President Chris Cabrera told Breitbart News the “felons only” deportation plan offered by former Vice President Joe Biden will cause a rush to the U.S. The candidate said he would completely halt deportations during his first 100 days and would thereafter only deport felons.

“In the first 100 days of my administration, no one, no one will be deported at all,” Biden said during the Sunday night debate with Senator Bernie Sanders. “From that point on, the only deportations that will take place are commissions of felonies in the United States of America.”


National Border Patrol Council Vice President Chris Cabrera, a Border Patrol agent currently assigned to the Rio Grande Valley Sector (the nation’s busiest sector), responded to Biden’s pledge, saying, “The rush will come … It’s like ‘we’ll leave the light on for ya.”

Cabrera’s comments came on Monday in an interview with Breitbart News Daily’s Alex Marlow. He explained there is normally a border surge in the months leading up to presidential elections as uncertainty builds.

“With rhetoric like that,” Cabrera continued, “it’s just going to open the floodgates once again. It will put our guys more at risk and it will put our country more at risk.”

“By all means, we need good people coming into this country,” the veteran Border Patrol agent stated, “but you’ve gotta come in the right way, you’ve gotta come in the front door. Not just a blanket ‘everybody comes — nobody leaves — that’s just silly.”

Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Marlow reiterated, “All that matters is he’s sending a signal that it’s okay to flood the border. So long as your not a felon, you’re getting in and you’re staying.”

Marlow continued, “It’s as though he does not consider that there are human beings whose lives change when he says things like this in order to win the nomination.”

Cabrera responded, “It’s very dangerous talk, especially with the fact that some people will do anything to get over here including taking advantage of their fellow man. It puts people in a very bad position.”

Click here to listen to Cabrera’s full interview on Breitbart News Today.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior news contributor for the Breitbart Texas-Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday-morning talk show. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and Facebook.

Disclosure: Breitbart Texas sponsored the Green Line podcast for the NBPC in an effort to provide a platform for agents to inform the public about the realities on the border and what Border Patrol agents face. Director Brandon Darby received an award from the Laredo chapter of the NBPC for his work in helping to defend and bring a voice to Border Patrol agents. Breitbart News assisted in covering funeral costs for a slain Border Patrol agent previously. Darby and Breitbart senior management have directly stated and shown that helping to bring a voice to the expressed needs and interests of Border Patrol agents is a top priority–personally, individually and together through Breitbart News.


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