Jesus' Coming Back

San Francisco Puts Down Veritable Travel Ban With ‘Quarantine In Place’ Order

Things are starting to get real serious now. KTLA5 by way of AP News reports that San Francisco has ordered seven million people into a ‘quarantine in place’ order, where except for going to buy food or medical issues, people are being required to stay at home in ‘quarantine’.

Officials in six San Francisco Bay Area counties issued a sweeping shelter-in-place mandate Monday affecting nearly 7 million people, ordering residents to stay at home and go outside only for food, medicine and outings that are absolutely essential.

The order says residents must stay inside and venture out only for necessities for three weeks starting Tuesday in a desperate attempt by officials to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus.

“I know today’s order is a radical step. It has to be. We need to act now, all of us, to protect the public health,” said Dr. Grant Colfax, director of the San Francisco Department of Public Health.

If affects the counties of San Francisco, Marin, Santa Clara, San Mateo, Contra Costa and Alameda, which includes the cities of Berkeley and Oakland.

“We must move aggressively and immediately,” said San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, whose city is the epicenter of Bay Area outbreak. “History will not forgive us for waiting an hour more.” (source)

If it is happening in San Francisco, this may go nationwide at some point and in some fashion.

This is not good.

I do not want to cause alarm, but to say that now is the time to be alert.

Get what you can as you are able to because one does not know what this may mean for the future, especially if the federal government begins to institute a sort of travel ban.

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